Ronde Barber Breaks Down Key Plays From Week 12 vs. Cleveland Browns | Film Session – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Opi Okapi

What’s up Ronde Champ 💗🧸

Matthew Sams

NACHO! Love seeing my dude nacho making big plays…

Steve Kaspar

Not much point Ronde. We should talk about clock ⏰️ management or lack thereof in the Browns loss

Lore of Lucas

Hopefully things change Sunday! This is a Madden line up on both sides of the ball

    Aunchient Pistol

    How many weeks are you going to tell yourself that things are going to change this week it’s too late

    Melancholy Puppy

    Lol every week

    Lore of Lucas

    @Aunchient Pistol yeah.. every week. It’s tough being a Bucs fan

JJ Faris

Thank you, Ronde. Too bad you can’t reflect on all the wouda couda, shouda that led to this bumbling loss that should have been a W. Brisset did it with.4 guys, Chubb, Hunt, Cooper and Garrett to take care of TB12 and the BUCS knew all this coming into the game.


Let’s get the win next week, it’s still not too late.

Serch Locs

I feel like I don’t deserve to watch these after a L

danny D

I wonder if Ronde is allowed to go home to his family 😆

John Thomas

used to love watching you play. Even if we lost the game I had fun watching you play


I would never wish this coaching staff even on my worst enemy.

    Alex The Guy

    That’s funny

Billy the Kid

Horrible clock management at the end of this game!

Sam S

Key plays were truly: 1) not calling timeout at the end of the game (coaches) because they were afraid Brady would throw an interception. Note, he has thrown 2 all year and the Browns have intercepted three all year! 2) going three and out the whole fourth quarter (coaches). 3) Bryon Leftwich replacing Tristan Wirfs with Donavan Smith to block all-pro Miles Garret who had been shut down all day. The next play, Brady was sacked by Garrett with no time to throw. As the result of all these decisions, this game was a disappointment as the Bucs had multiple chances to win this game. Credit to Rhonde Barber for finding good plays. Too bad the few bad coaching calls they found a way to lose. They won’t beat the Saints if the coaches keep making conservative errors.

soupkitchen bavaria

It is a shame to loose against Cleveland.

Jayson Terry

Broooo I knew on that play action pass to Godwin, evans was wideeee open for a touchdown


Sean Payton / Tom Brady 2023

mad D

Wasn’t the guy in the first play open for that quick td dude in the end zone and he threw it to Godwin.

Mike Jones

Mike Evans was wide open on the first play, and would of scored, but Brady hit Godwin instead. Donovan Smith was getting burned and played horrible, so did Carlton Davis SMH!


::Stephen A voice:: I’m gonna need you to get it together

Voodoo Booty

Man i wish you were a full time sportscaster!!! Love yer show my man!!!

Lord Vader

20 where is the one for Monday game

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