Rock Report: Serious ‘Want To’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Rock Report: Serious ‘Want To’

Rashan Gary has become an outstanding player thanks to ability and attitude. Larry McCarren has more.

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King_fu_kenny __

Here before ras.. boring!!




    Ras Jahson’s life is boring

Ras Jahson


    Ras Jahson

    @Kcets Boring!

    AlmightyyPack 1

    @Ras Jahson ratio

    Ras Jahson

    @AlmightyyPack 1 Boring!

    AlmightyyPack 1

    @Ras Jahson ratio

    Ras Jahson

    @AlmightyyPack 1 Boring!


The first play actually looks like Campbell #58, not Gary #52. Unless my eyes are deceiving me, which they very well could be.

    German Bushin

    Campbell is #59. Also, it would be weird for a middle linebacker to be at an edge rusher position


    Yeah it’s #52, the jersey is just wrinkled makes it look like 58. Campbell has long hair, he’s in the middle.


    Campbell is (2) players to the right of the highlighted player. His hair stands out.


    @Fattman1243 Coffee apparently hasn’t kicked in yet lol

    King_fu_kenny __

    Tbh if that’s a better back like the one we ply this week he bounces outside and gets 20 yards Gary almost over committed

Matthew indermuehle

Please, when it comes time. PAY THE GUY.


What a heart ❤️ he’s just getting started. I believed in him from day one and it’s only going to be better. Thanks Rashan for what you bring to this team we all see you and we love you and want you here for the rest of your career ❣️

Hank Slaght

” Then on Wednesday , I see him down at practice , doing FOOTBALL stuff with his teammates ! ” 😅



Jonathan Alvarez

Nobody wanted u in gb gary remmenber that keep that fire lit i knew outta Michigan he was a stud aint the #1 recruit outta highscool

Nick Carlson

Love these. They fire me up

Lucas Nogueira

People were super ready to call him a bust after he sat behind Z and Preston for a couple years

    Elijah Rios

    I did, I didn’t like the pick at all for a while. I am glad to say I was wrong. He would be our defensive MVP if Campbell didn’t decide to just have his best season ever.

    Lucas Nogueira

    @Elijah Rios I liked the pick when it happened but I thought moving him to LB was a big mistake. Glad I was wrong too

Piko Van

but I wanted the packers to draft a wr…..wah, wah,

Cassius Dirt


Ryan Corcoran

These Rock Report Videos are pure gold.

Bobby Turner

Rashan Gary is like Giannis Antetokoumpo in the finals

Ryan Williams

Bane Gary!!!!!

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