Rock Report: Perfect Storm – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Rock Report: Perfect Storm

The combination of Rashan Gary and Coach Mike Smith poses a real problem for Packers opponents. Larry McCarren has the story.

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Gordon Wang


Monte Frank

Year 3 gonna hit different 🤟💚💛

yola baby

Incoming fire gute comments…

    M Watson

    Incoming Ppl who think Football is just the Quarterback Position 🤣🤣🤣

    Clint Holmes

    @M Watson Nobody says that. But spouting nonsense like that must be easier for you than addressing what I and others actually say.


    Fire Murphy

    Clint Holmes

    @twnufc10 There is room for both at the unemployment office.

yola baby

Incoming Aaron Rodgers comments…

Mick Crocodile Dundee

Now where’s all the haters!!?? Alot of you packer fans are not fans

    Clint Holmes

    @Dale Jarrett “your own of the biggest cry babies I’ve ever seen on the internet it truly shocks me” Dale cried hypocritically.

    Dale Jarrett

    @Clint Holmes your right clint! Here’s your attention you so desperately have been needing!

    Clint Holmes

    @Dale Jarrett I’m interested in arguments and you have none.

    Clint Holmes

    @Dale Jarrett “your right clint” And still you feel no shame for your hypocrisy.

    Kasey S

    @Clint Holmes or people with only a difference of opinion my guy 😐

The Yeti


jack jacksin

Fire Murphy & Gutekunst


    Ok hater

    Alan Elias

    Why Gute ??

Clint Holmes

Fire gute, fire murphy, and bring back the MVP.


Really can’t wait. Packers took a gamble in 2018 and won. Gary is def that piece for the future and now. He’s quick and gives that speed we need at rushing the passer. Hopefully, this brings a better pressure rate than the past 2 seasons.

Truman Crawford



Fire Murphy

    Matt Shosho

    Say it louder


    Yes that the people who need to be fired

Peter Ohrmund

Remember when Rodgers is gone . “The Board could have done their Job and Dumped Murphy and the GM” . Lol anyway the Green Bay Front Office is currently the Joke of the NFL. Unforced (F)Ups .

    Merlin Ames



    The gm have build a super contractor team so gm don’t need to go but you know who need to go Murphy

Rick Morrow

The Board of Directors of Green Bay have to step up and fire Murphy and Gutequist who can’t seem to resolve the problem they created. Time for the Front Office to go. Football starts in 34 days.

Malcolm Hector

Well sorry to say , can’t win this seasons super bowl, without having Aaron Rodgers in as #1 QB . Front Office has forced this situation to save $$ millions on the cap SHAME SHAME

Bud Waller

Been a greenbay fan for 25 years. With the way this feels it might be my last season cheering for them. Mark murphey needs to go but they won’t do it. Ive wanted Mark murphey gone since 2016 when the writing was on the wall between Rodgers. I am not a happy fan right now.


At last a positive film about one of our great prospects for the coming season. Then the first four comments are all about the diva. Get behind the team and not just one man.


Are Byron Guntenschnooouuuntz and Marck McMurphree secretly BEARS fans???

Johnnie Walker

I’m a maple leafs fan and a packers fan. Just tell me Aaron Rogers is playing this year. I can only take so much.

    Larry Yeadeke

    Are you an AR fan or a Packer fan? I’m a Packer fan. If AR leaves I will back the QB that replaces him.

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