Rock Report: Back and Better – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Rock Report: Back and Better

Darnell Savage returned to the starting lineup as an improved player. Larry McCarren explains.

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Jonah Sushner


Dane Olson

I love Darnell man plays with so much heart. A lot of people overlook how difficult the safety position is, having to guard TE’s, SLWR, WR1, WR2 is not easy. Filling an alley against Derrick Henry with a full head of steam is tough. Definitely one of the hardest positions in the NFL especially with todays rules to protect players.

Nick Cholas

The man came back with ferocity. He put everything on the line every play and it showed. He consistently leveraged his strength put himself in positions to make plays and he kept his head on his shoulders the rest of he season allowing him to make reads he was missing prior. Excited to see him be a leader next year!

Teri Giese

A FORCE to be reckoned with!!!👊🏻💥👏🏻👏🏻

Absolute Death

#26 💪🧀

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