Robert Saleh Press Conference (12/20) | New York Jets | NFL | Week 16 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Rod Imhoff

go jets and robert s new passing game coach
greg k pass way in july 2021

james sollazzo

jets vs jags
as big as the 1998 playoff game this week

Barney Miller

Mims got Covid again????


    No, he said, “Tanzel Smart.”

NyHott Candy

robert does a great speach

Essa Younes Soccer

I see progress, keep grinding. Looking forward to the draft and the team development for next year. Robert has a plan, be patient and it will come together.


NY media tuff keep rocking love the effort


get us a dub at metlife

RJ from ATL

Love this coach! Such thoughtful answers versus coach speak. I was happy AF when we got him and I’m still just as happy. #Jets arrow pointing up! ⬆️


Winning is always first lmao! We are running a bonified strength and nutrition player farm here. This isn’t a sports team competing, they are training and unfortunately have to play on Sundays or they would be 100% okay with just training for the future. These players are all playing to put out tape for another team… they know the Jets are a colossal failure from the head down. Nobody wants to genuinely be a jet, and they all love this 3-14 crap, because it gives the players an excuse to poor performance. Johnsons neeeeed to gooooo!


These guys act like it’s an impossibility to develop players while winning games. “It’s either or”. Wtf?! Good organizations figure out exactly how to compete while still developing players and this organization shows how incompetent it is from the head down by acting like you can’t do both. What happens when these guys are developed in a few years? We are going to have to pay them! Are we no longer going to pay them or are we going to stop developing at that point? Gtfo!

Sgt Abap

Saleh is the Jets best coach ever. I remember him commenting on Pats running up the score in game 2. Would like to see him return the favor next year to them, but I believe he will take the high road and step off the gas at the end. Hoping that he doesn’t.


We’re in practice mode, just hope Zach outplays Trevor.
Oh & Robert, can we please stop the run! TY.

Terry Malloy

I really like Saleh from what I see and hear. However I’m not convinced he has the skill set to take us to the promised land (i.e. Superbowl). This season has had some, but very little, genuine improvement. Not sure the rate of progress equates to this being a winning team any time soon.

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