Robert Quinn on playing alongside Mack and Hicks | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE



    MightyDuckDemitrius e


Go 🐻

King Mouse


unapologetic Truth


unapologetic Truth

Bears 21-14 Bears go 4-0

B Asbury

Quinn let’s hear your named called at least a few times a game please. We need ya man.

unapologetic Truth

Quin, Mack, and Hicks the 3 Kings 🤴

    Angel Galvez

    Yes sir

    Gustavo Muniz

    And JJ, Fuller, and Jackson chimera???👀

Homer Cuts

That’s a baller rt there!

    Mike Iverson

    Can’t wait till you dial it up Robert. I am so stoked we signed you. Bring the heat bro you the piece that will take this defense to the next level. Now have fun get some sacks

Homer Cuts

He worth every damm penny!

Homer Cuts

I want him in a street fight!

Homer Cuts

Vet knows the way.

Angel Galvez

One of the most underrated pass rushher

Drew TheViper

Happy to have you, Quinn

Lamuel J Sackson

Khalil Mack is the best defensive player in the NFL no doubt

    Ernest Ward

    Naw myles garrett and donald got him beat At least Donald. I do think he is third in whatever order the first two go.

Pablo Moreno

Uno de los tres Reyes “VAMOS OSOS”

Jose Hiraldo

I just wish we had Goldman back in that d line we will be unstoppable really but right now 3 and 0 is great about to be 4 and 0 bear down 🐻⬇️

Terrel Ada

Yeah in that FALCONS game Quinn might have not got any Sacks but he presents waz Felt!

Amahd Cole

They must stop run

David Shay

I don’t get how any reporters didn’t ask him about his snap count??????


Quinn is a beast!!

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