Robert Quinn discusses social injustice | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Robert Quinn discusses social injustice | Chicago Bears

Chicago Bears outside linebacker Robert Quinn speaks to the media on Saturday following practice at Soldier Field.

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MightyDuckDemitrius 1


JJ Castro Jr


Liverpool 4Life

Sounds like a beast

Joseph Matuszak

Could ya’ll please ask Mr. Urlacher to do a sit down with Emmanuel Acho? I hear he has a good platform to highlight perspectives. I feel it could be an enlightening conversation regarding sources of information, and information deserts. Semper Fi.

ryan damon


Nick C.



I think he’s gonna be a great addition but why don’t they test and get the audio right before the interview?

    Jeremy Lueth

    unprofessional, new to the game. I hope its not a systemic problem within the organization. but their ideas to push a radical political agenda worries me. The Bears might have hired a diversity expert and now they’re destroying their brand. Its seems


    @Jeremy Lueth Sounds like you’re playing Shut Up and Dribble remixed by Brian Urlacher.

    Jeremy Lueth

    @Electric I am sorry, I don’t understand your reference. Can you link me what Urlacher said? and what is shut up and dribble? a song about the nba I assume?

    So what? Sports are our escape from this bullshit. Can we not all enjoy the team regardless of how much truth we know?

    Once you get out of the media propaganda machine and learn the details surrounding these events, its a real bummer when you have to hear the lies from your favorite team. Ya feel?

Anthony j

Great player and great mind frame ball out for us this yr bring some positive to CHICAGO…….BEAR DOWN

Don bur 2.0

AARP Quinn I see 4-12



Todd Raines

Did you see the video? Enough of the stuff.

    Jeremy Lueth

    Is it possible that they know the truth, but they don’t care? Because they are afraid? or are they all “Anti-racists” now?

Dae Wu

Thank you Mr. Quinn for keeping it real. This is not a one time event. This is American history repeated.

    Jeremy Lueth

    @Furious Lew I wish there was someone to vote FOR instead of always voting against the most evil candidate. Its as if they do it to us intentionally because this is upside down world.

    Dae Wu

    @Jeremy Lueth Oppression, Racism, Police Brutality against people with black, brown or tan skin. Jeremy it seems that you are ignorant that racism exist within our country. I am a Chicago CPD officer. On a whole, Blacks do not get treated with the same respect that we yield to others, it has nothing to do with an election year. It is the system.

    Jeremy Lueth

    @Dae Wu Why doesn’t it have something to do with their choices and behavior? where does personal accountability rank in your pantheon of morality?
    I understand that Chicago has a murder problem, is that your fault as a policeman? who’s fault is that?
    May i ask what you think can be done to fix things?
    I don’t appreciate the thin blue line, nor do I think that police unions are for the greater good. What do you think of those things?

    How does stealing and burning help with the things that you see as a problem? I think its making me more racist. and i am sick of being told to shut up about these issues and having my comments deleted for no reason.

    Are you willing to talk to me and fix me? thanks.

    Dae Wu

    @Jeremy Lueth There is only one Race the human race. Compassion and understanding are our greatest tools for change. One love!

    Jeremy Lueth

    @Dae Wu we both know that isn’t true. You are using double speak to push the opposite of peace.

    I am not fooled. why aren’t you answering my questions?

    Where is your compassion for the dead? for the store owners on the golden coast? Where is the understanding of the facts in these cases?

    Was the rioting justified after the police returned fire in chicago prior to the looting that ended with raised bridges?

    can you be honest with me?


Thank you Mr. Quinn for speaking up about the injustices the African American community face in America on a daily basis. Glad to have you on our team #BEARDOWN

Covid 19

Go Bears 🐻⬇️

Church Of LOB

“If the season started tomorrow, would you be ready?” Quinn: “As long as I wake up!” Gotta love the guy! LOL!

Billy beer Beer

Please bears players no bended knees this year please! Let me just enjoy watching my team play. Fan 48 years


    My argument is not invalid. Jason Van Dyke murdered the kid. It was on police dash cam and all the cops filed false incident reports lying to cover for the cop Jason Van Dyke.

    Jeremy Lueth

    @Electric yes, 6 years ago one dude got murdered. Now within that time, how many cops have been murdered by Black men? cops have to be in the muck, the others do not have to be there. There is a difference. and in this case, Justice was done.

    How do the numbers compare? About thirty to one? Is that right?

    Can you check real quick? I dont’ think you would trust me if I did it for you.

    Jeremy Lueth

    ​@Electric I have also agreed that the thin blue line(cops covering for cops) is bullshit, So too is the police union and taxpayers covering the costs of lawsuits. there are a lot of problems but that doesn’t mean that everything is racist.

    If you want your movement to gain ground. you might want to base your arguments upon actual instances of bad cops like the one you mentioned from 2014. But that is not what is underneath the current “peaceful protests” Your current movement is built upon sand. Floyd had 4 times the lethal dose of Fentanyl and also meth. There is no evidence of damage to his neck area. He resisted arrest just like Blake. You are being used by a lying media. I am on your side dude. I love black people! I really do. Chill the fuk out and listen to what I am trying to tell you, if I didn’t care would I write all this?!

    Jeronimo Truth

    @Electric just to let you know. I got banned from commenting. I don’t understand why. I guess censorship is the only way you can win this argument.

    I’m done.


    Electric right. Double standard as always. People like him know what it is but they don’t want to talk about that. They shy away from that and go on a tangent about other unrelated things lol

Rock Davis

Yo big dog I really appreciate your man I really do Bear Down

Alan Molina

Football will mever be the same with politics involved

Master of Disaster

“Action’ means violence.

13/52. Been violent for a long time

Daniel Steffens

Why is it every 4 years the Democrats want us to think we had a racist problem what happened to the three years before that. I’ve been a Bears fan my whole life and I always thought they were racist with a quarterback they proved it 4 years ago when they bypass two black quarterbacks rated way higher than the white quarterback. Now you’re all trying to lecture us about who you should vote for

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