Robbie Anderson: I feel better than ever – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jai Norman

We have the team in the national football league. 🖤💙


Still amaze me how he wear a helmet lol

Ollopa Art Club

The “will you play..” question was weird lol

    Southern Lady

    Cool Robbie called him on it! 😄

BasketballNation _1

Bro I hate our reporters there so condescending 💀💀

    Ben Tate



    It’s all David newton stg

    Andy Gossard

    Ha! You should try Cleveland’s. And not an ex-athlete among them


    It’s insane. All they care about is drama and storylines


Love Robby please never leave


Robbie hates these reporters

Marcus B. Williams

“I’m playin bit” Robbie a fool!!! 🤣

    Ephifan Sturdivent

    😂 he wanted to finish that line fr thumbs up for Robbie 💯


    Bihhhhh 😂

Carolina Kid 1984

💙🖤💙🖤 Robbie doesn’t care what reporters think


You can tell Robbie from Florida 😂


“what’s understood doesn’t have to be discussed” Robbie keeping it a buck, get after it this season big dog. KEEP POUNDING!

Dalton Crutsinger

Can we get new reporters please why did he just question him playing on Sunday 🤣

    Southern Lady

    Much better than Browns “National Enquirer” style reporters led by Mary Kay Cabot. At least Panthers reporters are asking football related questions, and not constant negative “how do you feel” questions about rumors or created drama trying to stir up trouble between players.
    Panthers reporters have been respectful, and the interviews are kept short so not overwhelming for the players. Much better than I was used to as a former Browns fan. Breath of positive fresh air. Can’t wait for this season! 👏😄🏈

Richard Gonzales

Robbie cracks me up. This was painful. You can see he is extremely intelligent and the reporters are treating him based on his vocabulary and not his witiness.

Favorite quote, “You tell me. You’re on the outside.” Freaking awesome.

    Southern Lady

    I know, that was an awesome answer! 👍😄🏈

    Brandon Johnson

    “Extremely intelligent” haha pump the breaks…that’s ridiculous.

Icey P

I’m playing Bihh😭😭😭😭😭😭

Jacob & Kelsey

Robbie interviews have been weird as crap this year. Love this guy. But ever since they spun the story about him not wanting Baker to come to Carolina he’s just not trusted the reporters. He’s carrying a major chip.

    Southern Lady

    Cleveland reporter Mary Kay Cabot and Colin Cowhead spun that snippet into a negative story … 😕

    gabrielle mack

    It ain’t him they asking him weird questions trying to get him caught up but the dude is very intelligent. Besides he has already explained why he said Noooo to Baker at first

Leonard Ramsey

I love Robbie Anderson ❤️💙💯💪🏼🔥🔥🔥 Serious Business with him. Sharp understanding of the reporters that are asking generic questions almost like they’re fishing. This Cat is Quick

Puerto Rican Johnny

Love Robbie he always keeps it 💯🚀 stay doing you bruh big things coming #KeepPounding #OffenseLookingElite


This team is like a college football team, very free and a multitude of very different players. So diverse!

    gabrielle mack

    What’s your point the team has one of the best roster this year

Southern Lady

Robbie, as a newer fan following Baker and fully embracing his new team, I have so much respect for you as time goes on and listening to your interviews. You tell it like you see it, and don’t get sucked into media leading questions that can turn into a snippet answer that isn’t what you felt or meant. You & Baker should relate. The Cleveland media constantly do that to Baker, then the national media reprints the trash over and over … 😩
Happy to see you & Baker connecting and think your best is yet to come. This team is destined for greatness!!!
I am so ready for this season! 😊🍷

Spartan Ghost

Panther reporter’s always want drama questions but never ask actual football questions.
Robbie def called him bihhhh lol, as he should of

Kane Dobson

I Love Robbie! He don’t give a F##k! 🤣 Ball out Bro! #keeppounding

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