Rob Gronkowski on Tom Brady & Bucs Playing At A High Level | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
P Pumpkin

Don’t underestimate the Giants. That was one of the Patriots strengths – they took every opponent seriously, and never looked ahead to another opponent. The Patriots with Tom, rarely got upset.

    Awesome Dylan

    52-10 is my guess. The defense will get fumbles or interceptions, knowing Daniel Jones.not to mention he will trip

    cole schubert

    Oh trust me they won’t. The giants surprised the bucs last year. This time they will be ready.

    Game Time

    Very true, and with Brady at the helm I believe he’ll make sure his teammates don’t make that mistake of underestimating their opponent.

    Small Business Defense

    Dasani605 Brady knows a thing or two about losing to the Giants due to underestimating them. He’s not going to take this game lightly

    Corey Davis

    The giants are bad though

Tom Whittle


    Death Puncher

    Rojo,Fournette, Shady, Johnson and Brate too ! Unreal…

    B Calv

    It will be crazy if they dont get a ring

    Kaleb Glaspie

    @Death Puncher Watson too

    Jin Chang

    You left out Fournette!!!

Wishing B

Gronk seems brilliant at the “not overthinking part” and I mean that as a brilliant quality. I watched Tom Brady’s documentary on YouTube and Gronk’s highlights on YouTube and Gronk is brilliant at trusting and being intuitive and not psyching himself out. Brady can get in his own head sometimes. Brilliant, too. But when he has lost, he seems to be in his head more. Pressure on the quarterback obviously is probably what causes it. The beginning of this season, it felt like Gronk was thinking about not getting injured and I say that because in the past, when he would have carried players down the field with him, he hesitated and didn’t get first down. Probably smart to have “not get injured” in his decision-making and I will say VERY smart when I look at everybody else getting injured. But it took away from how intuitive he has always looked.

    Steven Manning

    Brady has said that Gronk is the “smartest football” player he’s ever played with.

    Wishing B

    @Steven Manning Yes, but he isn’t the smartest from thinking too much.

    TomBrady.TheReal OG#12

    @Wishing B Pats have one of the biggest playbooks in the NFL. Once you learn the system you aren’t supposed to think. You are supposed to react. Because you already know what to do right away based the coverage and play call


    @Wishing B has

    Wishing B

    @TomBrady.TheReal OG#12 Yes. The fact that Tom and Gronk had to learn a whole new system has been interesting to watch.

Wishing B

Their mental discipline is truly impressive.


    Brady did that

    Wishing B

    @SissyChubbz Yeah. Tom is a big part of the mental game. This team hadn’t made the playoffs since 2007 and now they believe that they can win the Superbowl and he is keeping them focused on keeping them from getting off-focus.


😂 “It must be maple syrup because butter don’t drizzle like that.”


    I think that saying is going to catch on.

    Eoin Brennan

    What does it mean?

Terese C

Rob, I love these Utube videos of all you guys. Guys like you, that some want to destroy, win.

Patriot king

One thing I always know as a patriot fan where Brady goes championships follow


    Yep. It’s actually proven too lol. Wherever Brady lives those teams are always good

    Steve En

    no way man, Riveting

45 pewterpirate

Wait til Gronk hits the playoffs 😳

    Xavier Sandoval

    Dont forget “A.B”!! BEST PLAYER IN THE N.F.L! TOM & BROWN ARE GOING TO BE BEYOND UNSTOPPABLE!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥☄☄☄♨️♨️♨️👊🤘💪👍👍

    Ryan M

    Playoff Gronk…I forgot.


Rob “clicking week in week out” Gronkowski


    Roberto “Yo soy Fiesta” Gronkowski

Austin Taylor

So many of you said “we should have just kept jameis” where are you now??? A 43 year old man with no off season is setting the NFL on fire and now you want to cheer for him

    TomBrady.TheReal OG#12

    Waiting for the next loss.
    He was robbed by the sports writers of the NFC player of the week. How do throw for 4 tds 1 rush td 370 yds
    and lost to a qb with less yds tds and a turnover.

    cole schubert

    They will in the next L. In the first half of the packer games I saw a bunch of posts demanding Winston back and to fire airans

    Austin Taylor

    @cole schubert hopefully there will be no more L’s this season i can’t wait to beat kc. They got lucky in n.e. last year when the refs removed that harry touchdown. Mahomes should be 0-3 vs Brady

Chris Tyag

This dude is getting his rhythm back, his energy is going to be scary for defenses

    Small Business Defense

    The year break was good for the guy

Rod McCollum

These questions are why real players are taking over the media. These questions are terribly and awkward.

Integrity T

Unbelievable how Gronk matured.

Rod McCollum

I will be glad when it’s only former players asking media questions

Bo Davis

1 man changed a whole state a whole city a whole franchise a whole culture, In 7 games truly amazing 🐐🐐🐐🐐

Darth Vader

Has anyone else noticed that Gronk is literally looking like Gronk again? Like it looks like he’s packed on 20 lbs of muscle since he came back from retirement at the start of the season!

    Game Time

    He is slowly getting back to his football shape and shaking off the retirement rust. I think he will continue to improve over the course of the season.

Emma Arcilla

“Few years ago…not a few years ago but many few years ago…”

    Game Time



Jenna: So about Tom…

Gregory Iannucelli

Points way up – penalties way down. Defense is flying around making plays….
Tampa Bay always had the talent – now, they have the leadership…


Absolutely great answer to the question about the Pats record! That was spoken by a true blue NFL player. What an amazing difference in the answers to questions by the media from just a year ago! Thank you to the awesome players that joined our Bucs team this year. I am sure AB will be as humble, really, I believe Tom will make sure of that!!!

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