Rob Gronkowski on Decision to Re-Sign with Bucs, Improving in Year Two | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Barry Barr

Way to go rob

Scott Carr

This coming year is going to be so much fun for us Bucs fans. And the view is freaking great from up here.

    h y p n o s

    @P Pumpkin the TB12 method is about consistency, he doesn’t wear out because he’s in a balanced state, health and rest wise all season, Tom says he only crashed when losing the routine after the seasons, but he lessened it with his method. It’s kinda “out there” with the pliability massages for hours but it just makes sense, it works and people are catching on.


    @jaY Rock see I like the Bucs super bowl run, because they weren’t even a playoff team the year before. Things can change quick like that!

    Jon Mcclain

    @P Pumpkin Do you honestly think no ota or preseason benefited Tom Brady on a new team, new system, and multiple new players. Just think, he had to learn a new offense, gain chemistry with new players and do the opposite of what he’s used to in new england all during the regular season, that’s not easy. Now he’s got a whole year to train with his weapons and he also added quick passes, screens, play action, pre snap motion during the bye which is why the offense became a lot more better. KC only added a guard, I’m pretty sure they still in need of 2 tackles, if you think finding 2 all pro tackles in the draft is easy your wrong especially at pick 31 and 63. The saints added a qb that throws 60% int to his td ratio so I’m not worried about them. GB didn’t show much improvement, they still got a weak defense that the bucs can exploit.

    Fernando Montalvo

    Y’all deserve it! 🔥💪🏼

    D C

    For sure Bucs fans. Bucs are a fantastic story and even goofy haters will watch every game!

Iris Diaz

Back to back SB…Here we come!!!!!

    Wishing B

    Yeah, Tom is the last quarterback to do it. Only 7 teams have won back-to-back. I wasn’t aware that Gronk hadn’t done it. He made it to the Super Bowl back to back twice.

    Tj C

    @Wishing B toms the only QB present that I would bet could do it again. The others just don’t his drive

    Wishing B

    @Tj C I was watching a video examining the Patriots Falcon Super Bowl win and they said that Tom took 92 snaps in that win and the average team takes 60 to 65 snaps. He knows how to outlast his competition and he stays calm because he knows the defense will get tired eventually and I think he also knows how to pace himself within a season. If you look at years where the Chiefs or Saints seriously blew him out once or twice during the season, he comes back fresher where they somehow come back burnt out after a season. This year, Gronk said that he has finally learned how to finish a season without getting injured and without burning out. He said that he felt 18 after this Super Bowl and that he could play a whole new season right now. He doesn’t need the time off. There is something in that.

Sam S

“I wanted be back with the Buccaneers organization.” That is new itself. With the franchise’s sordid history many players have left screaming from town: Doug Williams among others. It shows how much better the Glazers are as owners than Hugh Culverhouse. Not perfect but a lot better.

    Sam S

    @GlassTopRX7 Right, and who made the decision to go after Tom Brady? Jason LIcht and the Glazers backed him. Complain all that you want, the Glazers want to win – just their father was better. Culverhouse never cared less about this franchise – he just took the profits and built his empire of realtor sales. As far as being under the max spending – that was just smart management that was written up recently in Sports Illustrated.

    Bill Buyers

    I don’t think you could have a worse ownership than the Culverhouses, if you tried. Glazers were not the best for a while, but made a comeback.

    Bill Buyers

    @Sam S I know, it’s silly the things people comment, but they don’t really matter. It’s funny that they think they do. So Go Bucs!

    PTHero Channel

    Tbh, the same cannot be said for the Glazers on handling their other sports team in England.

    Sam S

    @Bill Buyers Thanks, appreciate the comment. I totally agree – the big picture is the Glazers care (even if they don’t know how to win). Culverhouse was the worst NFL owner ever and the history books show it.


That boat parade was LEGEN… Wait for it… DARY!

    Space Cowboy

    DADDY NO !!!

    Art of Free Speech

    That would be a great name for a Dairy… Legen Dairy. 😉


Love this guy, such a positive youthful spirit. Go Bucs!


Love Gronk, Brady everyone including Suh, Fournette & Antonio!

Mellow NES Superstar

Retire. Come back with Tom. Get another ring. Shove it is Bill’s face. Get paid a healthy amount with the possibility to do something else after this year. Lucky guy! So happy about the season coming up! Go Bucs! Woooo

Lo Bello

Lenard fournnett and Antonio Brown are also working on resigning with the Buccaneers


    @cj martin nah, a bunch of vet RBs out there that can compliment Rojo

    Ronald Fernandez

    I favored Suh to re signed..D big 4 in defense

    cj martin

    @Ronald Fernandez yes! ill take suh over all of them. Not because he is the best but we are so stacked at other positions.

    Sue V

    @SlapBoxinWithGod Suh has re-signed. I was concerned about him, but they were able to keep him. As far as AB and Fournette, guess it depends on whether they want more cash or a better shot at another ring… Just don’t think anybody is going to throw big money out for AB. Only other team I could see him going to is Baltimore

    Sam Boo

    @SlapBoxinWithGod Yes I agree about AB. He’s didn’t get much reps last year but he did for 1 game with 2 TD. I’m sure this year he wants more reps than last year or he’ll become a diva.

Karamjit Dedyal

Gronk wanted to make sure that Tampa signed back all the weapons so he does not have to make the majority of plays every game that would wreck his body. I think New England burnt him out by not surrounding him with enough weapons to do the work. Now Gronk has to make only 1 or 2 plays a game and the rest of the time he can block, I think at the snap at the ball he must look around and think…man why could it not have been like this before? He must smile and be happy there is Evans, brown, fournette, Miller, rojo, godwin, Johnson, Brate, etc. A dream

    P Pumpkin

    Very true.

    YoMomma LikeThisMeat

    @Joshua Deshaies just imagine how burnt out Tom was at NE.

    cc Yes or No cc

    I love what u said… so very TRUE

    South Dakota Saved

    @Joshua Deshaies Absolutley, Bill is a petty POS, how people cannot see that is beyond me!

    Sam Boo

    Remember when Gronk broke his forearm from blocking?


To quote Shaq Barrett… Tampa, Tampa, Tampa… This is a growing theme. I never thought it would happen, but Tampa Bay is a football destination.

    Art of Free Speech

    It almost feels like “bizarro” world, doesn’t it?

Jon Covington

This young man is well loved! Well Done Gronk! Well Done!

NoleBoy Noledout

Everyone is going to be gunning for them! They’ll get everyone’s best and I bet they answer the challenge! GO BUCS

Callie Mae Stone

Im glad that GRONK was healthy last season. i just hope that he stays in good health. I really enjoy watching on the football field. It’s a joy to watch GRONK on the football field. Especially when BRADY thrown the football to him and he runs in for a touchdown. Then comes the SPIKE. Can’t no one Spike the ball as GRONK does.

Mario Salvatierra

Gronk, Brate and Howard is more than any opposing team can handle.

    P Pumpkin

    Did Brate re-sign?


    @P Pumpkin Brate is already under contract for next season. But either him or OJ are almost definitely gone. Can’t have that much money invested in TE with the team this close to the cap.

    cj martin

    @TacoSpacePirate i say let oj go…. he hasnt shown anything other he can drop balls, not block, and is injury prone.


    @cj martin 💯 brate and tanner better.
    And your right oj can’t catch


Everyone with a right mind knew Gronk isn’t playing anywhere without Brady.

    Sam Boo

    Gronk even said it. His only QB is Tom Brady!

John Smith

@10:50 Gronk said, “I let all the recruiting for Tom to do.” While Tom let all the partying for Gronk to do. lol

Team Time Riders

This dude has conquered the nfl and now just sticks around for fun, like it’s his Sunday Rec league. Gotta love him and he came up huge in the blocking game and super bowl!

Randy Plett

One of the greatest TEs in NFL history

Jonathan Smith

We need more Tommy and Gronky episodes.

    Ken Hoang

    Even the 5G Tom commercial is better than Mahomes Head and Shoulders commercial.

    Cristina Santos

    i agree!👍

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