Riley Cole Highlights & Interview | Meet the Chiefs 2021 Undrafted Free Agents – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Randy Plett

Tom Brady owns the Chiefs
Tom Brady owns the Chiefs’ fans
Tom Brady owns Patrick Mafraud
Tom Brady owns Patrick Mafraud fans
Tom Brady owns your salty tears
Tom Brady owns your empty souls

    Brenda Rasmussen


melford joachim

Looks like a next superstar if ya ask me

Randy Plett

Patrick Mahomes will retire before Tom Brady 😂🤣

Randy Plett

I never want to hear Mahomes name again in the sane sentence as Brady’s when it comes to the GOAT conversation. Brady slammed that shut in SB 55.

    Bandito Dorito

    Mahomes better get outta here Tom fraudy fan

Randy Plett

I have been a Chiefs fan since before the start of the 2020 season. But after watching Tom Brady dismantle my QB in the playoffs again to win his 7h SB, I realized I was rooting for a poverty franchise & a highly overrated QB who really hasn’t done much on the world’s biggest stage. I now recognize Brady as the GOAT & after viewing old Brady Pats’ SB wins I am becoming a die hard Pats fan too. It looks like after Brady is done beating MaFraud in the playoffs, Mac Jones, aka Tom Brady 2.0, will take over beating up on him in the playoffs. I encourage all of my fellow Chiefs and Patrick MaFailure fans to see the light and abandon their poverty franchise & QB before it’s too late!

    Levi Massey

    Okay pastor Randy.

    Randy Plett

    @Levi Massey Praise the GOAT Tom Brady!! Can I get an amen? Hallelujah!! I am saved!! Begone MaFailure evil spirits! 😂🤣🤡

Gary Brewer

Nice addition…is it football season yet?

Brenda Rasmussen

Let’s go CHIEFS!!! 💘💛💘💛

William D

Vans, Metallica, I like him already.

Hulk Butter

Who’s here to kill time instead of working lol

Alexander Pomeroy

Kansas city chiefs is best nfl teams ever

Lego My Eggo

This is the best UDFA CLASS ever man it seems like we got some workaholics that want to win


Cole said – “the Chiefs are going to get all that i’ve got” —— Hopefully what he has is enough, I like his tenacity.

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