Richard Dent honors deserving food bank volunteer | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Ryan S.

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Ryan damon


EpicD_19 playz


Bboy B3000

Bears Community is so nice it’s a shame the Team and front office can’t return the favor and give these ppl a Super Bowl Victory 🙁



Snakes Fishing and outdoors

Da bears will win the super bowl next year just watch we got the best defender in the game Mack attack and the best receiver in the game Allen Robinson just watch


    I hope so bear down!

    Chicago 19

    It’s not gonna happen we have clowns running this team


    @Chicago 19 yea lol just trying to have some hope

DJKhaled k

Cut Leno and Massie

Wesley Nankervis

Charity work is obviously fantastic. Love to see it. Good on ya. But if you’re going to try to use it to get good press and bring the fans back on your side, at least give us a reason to be optimistic first. Otherwise it feels like you’re just doing it to divert our attention away from the abysmal management of this team.
I’m not saying stop the good works, I’m just saying don’t take advantage of every photo op to make up for the fact that you’re half-assing everything else.

U. Mey.

That cool!



Collin Cool



Heartwarming Indeed!!! 🐻⬇

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