Rich Bisaccia is excited about Rudy Ford’s playmaking abilities – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Rich is like: “If one more of you little fks asks me about Amari, I coming out there.”

    Michael Zimmermann

    He deserved every one of those until he rectifies it that’s his job .

    Corey C.

    Well, that’s his fault for continuing to put him out there

Mark Tews

idc, Amari needs to get off teams but can still catch crosses and Rich is a great coach imo


    Amari is officially off the team

Stan Thompson

Play that man, ford is a guy you want on the field!😳

Stan Thompson

Amari Rogers needs to go, the Packers cannot count on him.


    Not on teams but he could be a decent slot reciever

    Michael Zimmermann

    Gone gone or Richard is gone .


    I say he’s done on s.t but he knows the offense and at this point of the season we’ll need him to play most likely in the slot. I wish him the best so he proves himself to doubters like the ones I seen doubt Christian Watson until now they see him streaking across the field like a Gazelle seemingly faster than everyone out there.


    Your wish has been granted – Amari = Gone


I love Rich. Straight to the Point, and takes ownership of his mistakes.


    Well said I feel exactly the same

Eric Schmitz

Why allow someone in the press who is sick and coughing into room distract the interviews? Same guy is coughing in all the interviews…at least turn off his mic…when listening by headphones the coughing is actually painful.

    Cm Bells

    What’s the problem buddy

Michael Zimmermann

Amari must be a great guy because he should have been benched months ago no reason to keep him . This is on the special teams coach because his job is to field the best guy to give us the best chance to win not to play favorites here Richard and answer the question because you created them by not doing the obvious .

    Corey C.


Jack McGuire

Can Amari just catch the Ball


    He won’t have a chance now. Amari’s gone

Corey C.

If they put Amari back there on punt returns again, no one should buy another ticket for the rest of the season.


Ok to me there’s a pattern here in GreenBay with Matt Lafleur. The pattern is he surrounds himself with brilliant minds this coach Rich just adds to the calm honest intelligent minds in the building. Our record isn’t showing that at this point but we are close and now we’ll have to deal with serious injuries. In seasons past we had luck on our side this year not that much luck. We squeezed out victories luckily at the end. But I’m not the drastic type I’m in it with this staff this team and I’m looking towards the future as well.


Amari just was released the next day?

Judge Mental

Make swag boy alexander return kicks if he thinks he’s anything close to Deion.

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