Rich Bisaccia details Buffalo’s top-ranked kickoff team – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Chris Lewis

Why do I subject myself to this nonsensical coach speak?it always ends with my bowels cutting loose.

    MalawiGold ElephantMarsh

    Lol lovely. Hilarious comment


Why will nobody directly ask about removing amari rodgers

    Mr. Spideydude

    they did ask him.
    idk if the name got censored or if it was just an audio problem, but at like 1:00 they asked how much patience he’ll have for Amari


As Rich said: “Amari is our best option right now.” Do you want him to put someone back there that has zero experience returning? The goal is less muffs, not more.

    Big Hoss

    We’d be better off having all 11 block than have Amari blow another close game with a muffed punt deep in our own territory

Teddy Zamba

A lot of positives in Amari, no concussions; doesn’t play a lot, and the guy can sing a tune if the band plays on….which is nice…!!

Joni Evans

I like Rich hope he stays , why the same questions smh

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