Rhamondre Stevenson’s best plays in 175-yard game | Week 5 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

W runningback

Marcos Felix

Why is everyone surprised about Stevenson? Madden needs to stop playing with him


    He did it last year.

    Cinko Da P

    Yea Madden is disrespectful to Stevenson

Big Dick Daddy yup

Let go Pat

ryan shaw

Listen I love me some Damien Harris and all… but THIS kid got something special to him


    Mondre just earned himself an RB1.

    Edgardo Rivera

    Yes! I’ve been saying it, he’s got pro bowl potential


    @Edgardo Rivera would it be too far for me to say he has too 5 rb potential?

    jermaine rodgers

    Give pierre strong a chance to show his potential.

    Daniel McGrath

    Reminds me of Pittsburgh Steelers leveon bell

cloven spark

Next year him and strong will be awesome

Cory D

I was at the game today 😁 Stevenson did awesome




I hate Harris got hurt but I’m I’m ready 2 see what strong can do

Scottie Landon AKA Lucky

Nice run game U got going

Damian Whindleton

More skilled than Harris he should get the bulk of the carries

Baaa BlackSheep

Keep the red uniforms for remainder of the season


    Not if it doesn’t get wins though

    Jay C

    @JJA1987 They are 10-3 in the red throwbacks all time. Not too shabby.

EZ Money

Those Juke moves are sick. Straight out of madden

@Elliot Burston

My boy need 25 carries a game oh my god he’s filthy. I love Damien but Rhamadre is just more talented with the ball in his hands. This guy got then back yard football moves.

K Sanders

Bruuuuuuuuh that move at 0:28 😳😳😳!!!! Maaaaan

jermaine rodgers

Play strong jr


Dudes got everything but that top end break away speed. Great fantasy pickup for dynasty

John Conor

Somebody better tell Marsha Lynch there’s a new bees in town

Nick Pastore

Rhamondre Stevenson is a stud. Super under rated. Keep working Rhamondre.


This kid is special

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