Reports: Giants Agree to Terms with LB Kyler Fackrell | New York Giants – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Isaac Parker

We need Odell back

    C Will

    Ryan H Lol If Saquon, Shep, & Engram played all 16 games it would be a top 10 offense. And offense doesn’t matter without a good defense.

    Josh Sprague

    @Night Train stfu man. Have you seen darius slayton?

    Robert Brown

    Think slayton is going to be a beast this year for us.. I love Odell but his emotions gets the best of him

Big Blue Squad

Fackrell had 10.5 sacks under Graham as LB coach in 2018. Just like Blake had a 82.6 coverage grade under Graham as LB coach. Good signing, because they now get to reunite with Graham.

    Robert Moore

    Good info. It’s Fackrell tho.

    Big Blue Squad

    Robert Moore I just noticed that LMAO thanks.

Charlie Lambert

Who the fackrell is he?

Uneek X

Who? C’mon man

    uncle freddie

    hahaha have faith


    uncle freddie Be realistic homer!


Why the drop-off?

    Kushendra Ramrup

    Smith brothers came in and took starting roles



Stephen Morelli

Lol something wrong with the filter , you’re eyes look like patient zero

Daniel Paleski

How could the Giants start with 85 million dollars in cap space and not come away with great player? I am seriously considering not watching. This is ridiculous.

    James Curran

    Daniel Paleski They had so many holes to fill on this defense; putting all their money into one player would not have been too smart. All these guys seem to be pretty solid signings, at least on paper.

    Nick D

    Do you even watch football?

    Tha Sheik

    This isn’t the NBA bruh, one great player on a NFL roster will not change the dynamic

    uncle freddie

    do you want to have one good season or many?
    build through the draft!


Signing a high priced superstar only for said superstar to forsake the team for themselves is what the team is hoping to avoid. Talent without discipline and leadership is not gonna match Coach Judge’s vision for the team. Also expect players with ties to the coaching staff and upper management that won’t be anymore than reliable and productive. Hope the draft provides the upper tier talent to make up for it

    uncle freddie

    exactly… everyone’s all mad cause we didn’t sign some big name superstar for $$$$$$$. build through the draft!!! this ain’t happening overnight

Stiltmans Stilt

How is there people who don’t know who this guy is? I remember loving this guy as a prospect coming outta Utah St. Fackrell started in 2018 and killed it and then they signed Preston and Za’Darius Smith, putting Fackrell back in a reserve role.
This moves got some upside potential and Fackrell is basically this yrs version of Markus Golden last yr. A good player looking to regain his value , just not same circumstance . Golden coming off injury and Fackrell coming off a backup season behind a couple studs . Fackrell and Williams will both be very motivated this yr. Shoot even Bradberry and Martinez are young enough and on short enough deals, they shouldn’t have any lack of motivation going forward. Also another good guy who didn’t gripe last yr about playing time .
I love the team Gettys built and I’m totally thinking Tristan Wirfs is gonna be a Giant which would be a cherry on top for me.

Stiltmans Stilt

Walter football graded all 3 big moves giants made as A’s. Bradberry Martinez and Fackrell.


    Stiltmans Stilt bc they are

Kaden 0_0

I swear if they think these guys can make up for not taking Simmons Getty needs to go

    Kaden 0_0

    awand piro let the grown ups do the talking? Lol it’s my opinion and many more people think that I’m not to supportive of Getty sure he got Danny dimes but he makes risky choices

    Kaden 0_0

    awand piro I want a gm that makes the obvious choice and plays it safe, when in rebuild you don’t want to waste a year by having a bad draft

    Tha Sheik

    @Kaden 0_0 Patrick Mahomes is not human bro, even when he got a serious injury he came back like nothing happened

    Tha Sheik

    @uncle freddie So did I cant even lie

    Kaden 0_0

    Tha Sheik some players are like that.

Frank Stange


    Tha Sheik

    I hope they get him but all these moves are showing they might do a trade in draft to get two picks in first round instead

Tha Sheik

Good signing because Golden, the other outstanding pass rusher we have, might walk to another team

    SOD CheezeWiz

    Tha Sheik we already released golden

    Tha Sheik

    SOD CheezeWiz as you can see my post was like 4 hours ago

    Tha Sheik

    SOD CheezeWiz Well that’s good then because that means there is a chance we still get Isaiah Simmons since he’s versatile we can move him around.

vince kelly

baby steps
we need a secondary overhaul
oline overhaul

    Anton Engberg

    Apart from maybe some safety help our secondary is actually quite good…

Charles Meckwood

Looks like the giants are giving up a lot of points this year , this is maybe a part of s pass rush but this ain’t gonna work I see another long disappointing season of teams passing the call all over the place on us , on the bright side giants could be in the running for the number one pick in 2021 draft

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