Reliving 2020 with the first annual Zoney Awards | The Neutral Zone – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Reliving 2020 with the first annual Zoney Awards | The Neutral Zone

On this episode of "The Neutral Zone," Phil Milani and Aric DiLalla introduce the first annual Zoney Awards. They hand out a series of awards for the 2020 season including Offensive Player of the Year (3:20), Defensive Player of the Year (10:03), Rookie of the Year (16:45), Comeback Player of the Year (20:38), Best Play (29:35), Toughest Loss (37:02), Best Zoomer (42:20) and Hottest Take (47:11). They close with award-winning shoutouts and picks for championship weekend (57:54). Want more of "The Neutral Zone"? Subscribe on iTunes, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.

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Nikko R.

Bronco country!!!!

    five nights at mecha might

    It’s broncos country! We are not the raiders

    Nikko R.

    My bad yo

Marcos Morales Alvarado

Y si son broncΓ΅s

Brent Baldwin

I really try to watch the Neutral Zone, because I love my Broncos, and really enjoy Aric’s take on things, but I just can’t stand Phil.

    Nikko R.


    Asher Morris

    Phils the best

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Jerry needs a good qb throwing him the ball, he will never become the best player he can with lock


Great show guys.

Matthew Argo

Once Courtland Sutton comes back our team will improve so much. Courtland Sutton is a great Receiver 1 which will open up Jeudy and Patrick as a two and three with better matchups. With that receiving core good running backs and a good O line we can be really good.

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