Reaction from Practice No. 4 of Buccaneers week | Washington Football Team Press Conferences – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Mask Collector

They need to bring Steve Russ on these pressers more. I want to hear from the secondary and QB coaches next.

YinYang Xperience

JDL needs to let Jackson be Jackson. If he can play Man for 60 let him do it. Work around the players strengths.


Curtis is a bust


Wow what an attitude you can feel the seasons over just by he’s Posture

    Johny Boat

    Yeah his plan is trash some of the ppl he brought on is angle of attack and jacks Defense scheme is garbage disappointment

    Lamar Jackson

    Most definitely


    It’s pathetic!

    HOFMedia 9

    It’s been a disappointing season but jack is starting to step up! We not givin up on Ron yet.. give it till after next season


    @HOFMedia 9 Agreed


Wow what an attitude .

Lorenzo Forge

I hate his attitude he never go into detail about nothing

Lorenzo Forge

Look at his arms just like he be the whole time during the game we got to do better

YinYang Xperience

Why dont they go to the Doctor in the first place seems careless?!

Rojelio Tamayo

Rivera and these coaches better get to the 2nd round in the playoffs next season. These year it’s a pass. Last season playoff was a FLUKE Eagles lost for Washington for a draft pick these coaches are just below average. Scott Turner has no OC experience under his belt


Coach: I failed. Pay me big money. The coach is TAUNTING the fans. Throw the flag, ref!


Next season is make or break for coaches. Some of his picks were strange 6th round snapper.

Ronald Brockett

Waste of time and money the blame is on you ron

Raymond Jacquet


charlene mckissic

Get them the help they need the team frustrated cause hes doing nothing they tried losing ron needs to walk in the team feet until he do that he can’t blame no body but himself

charlene mckissic

Hes embrassing the team losing games they would have won the press needs to ask him why hes not getting people to help them

charlene mckissic

Ron talk the talk but he never walk the walk all they players getting release why not get Odell jr or Jaylen smith or better yet young guys from college that’s what they need

Kevin Crumble

My thing is what happen to all that so call Depth u coaches was Preaching about the beginning of the season we have depth here we have depth there y’all have me fool well I guess that was a ly

charlene mckissic

Dont put heinie in QB get tua for QB hes to much throwing interceptions we need a QB get one to play tampa bay ron needs to fill il n posptios wr lb etc cause if he dont the wft will lose more games


I didn’t the idea of Ron being our coach in the very beginning! Why do you think the Panthers got rid of him? He’s a Loser!

Sean Ali-Aziz

I would like to see a two TE in the Offense.

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