Ravens vs. Titans Has Similarities to the Original Rivalry | Ravens Final Drive – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Deadencide Ig

Good matchup

JJRobloxGaming 20

No Matter What We Have To Win!

Augie N.

Started in Miami. Finish in Miami.



Courtney Smith


Oui Bay

Eight in the box and Earl over top… Ravens 41-10.

    First Last

    Nah I’m thinking more like 56-7

Short Bus Pull Up

No titan aren’t like my ravens no

Kenneth Ringgold

Best team in the league 💪🏼💪🏼


Let’s get to work! 😈 #ravensnation #bigtruss

Hawk 490

I know the almost definitely wont but imagine if the titans end up winning the Superbowl 😂

    First Last

    That ain’t happening
    Ravens all the way

Miguel Swagero

Titans match up well with us but this is the exact matchup you need before a conference matchup. I’m sure the Ravens will come to play. Defend what’s ours.

    Anthony Anderson

    Nah I think we got this. You’re not gonna beat us with a QB throwing for 72 yards. Stack the box on Henry, then allow Humphries and Peters to do their thing outside. I don’t see them scoring over 17 points on us and no way you can beat us if you don’t score more than that.


Reminds me of the Steve “Air” McNair days.

King Fortune


Brenda Smith

Let’s Go Ravens!!

Salia Berthe

Derrick Mason as legend of the game please!

Wyatt Brooks

I’m in Texas but I love the raven

I'm The Guy

I would be careful looking to face a team like the Titans


I’m sorry, but if Eddie George is a big, bruising back “just like” Derrick Henry, then so am I. The whole reason Ray got that INT is because he and the rest of the defense had laid out George multiple times in that game. When Eddie heard those footsteps, he got flustered and the pass literally bounced off his hands.

ryan damon

Hi ravens

Zepia Browman

time to go fishing titans🎣

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