Ravens vs. Bills Divisional Round Highlights | NFL 2020 Playoffs – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

“Really skip ,they go all the way to buffalo to kick a field goal😐” *in shannon voice*

    B Healy

    @Cam Collins Both teams missed 2 field goals so its a wash.

    Stop Campin

    Cause lamar chokeson is overrated

    John Revelation

    Lol he said that about the Cowboys going to play the Washington Redskins lol

    George Thinks

    To make a field goal..I believe they kicked about 3



Micah Turner

Ravens fans: everyone sleeping on us again.

Everyone else: looks like the ravens are sleeping on the ravens….

    F2M Ghost

    @TT FF that literally is something your acting like this is something he can’t fix yes is it a big aspect for a quarter back but anyone can fix it.

    TT FF

    @F2M Ghost you’re**…so you’re saying the ideal QB is to start with a really fast elusive guy and see if he can throw the ball and improve upon that? Lol you got it backwards buddy.

    Lane Splitter

    @The Old Main Guy face it…the ravens would be far better off if lamar had the accuracy of kyler murray. and arizona would be far better off if kyler was taller…like 6’2/6’3 lolz.

    chris P

    @F2M Ghost
    Buff gave up points to everybody all season. Their running Def was subpar.
    All the WR in the world make no difference when your QB can’t hit them. Guys were open yesterday, he just didn’t pull the trigger.



Trainer Gold

The ravens woke up today and chose to go back to sleep.

    Derron Everest

    like me, whenever i must go to school

    mel obrien

    The Bills did their homework on this one-dimensional team. Jackson is a bum compared to Allen.

    John Anthony

    No. They just ran into a train called the Buffalo Bills.

    John Davis

    @Troll Account not to mention the play before where he missed a wide open brown for what would have been six people say oh his receivers weren’t getting open that isn’t completely true if you watched the game you know their were some throws Lamar should have made

    Harold McCoy

    @Kai Luke 1 win 3 losses in post season will not keep a coaching staff employed much longer under that morbid high loss percentage and eventually the QB being speculated as part of the problem which causes the organization to seek a better option via draft or splash free agency signing if that trend continues ,remember Ravens former SB winning franchise QB Joe Flacco whom Lamar Jackson supplanted in his rookie year as the starter mid season when Flacco couldn’t replicate his past post season team success ? Unless they are my team the frustrating Steelers ,changes will manifested itself .

Alex Mann

Ravens: Yo can we copy your test?

Steelers: Sure just don’t make it obvious in the first half

    Achyut Badri

    As a Steelers fan, this is funny asf 😂


    @KrillDaily to be honest it takes more accuracy to hit the upright rather than making a field goal


    @Matthew Holland yeah, I’m have childhood flashbacks.
    “Daddy, how can the Bills lose EVERY championship?”

    Michael Robb

    @Ákos B Plot twist the kicker aimed for the bar and was point shaving.




Ravens flew to Buffalo just to kick a FG.

    Malach Dorell


    Heath Anderson

    2 Huntley passes should have been TD’s.

    Dallas Cowboys Number One Fan

    They missed a potential touchdown too.

    The Journey

    Youve been listening to Shannon sharpe I see 💯



Silvia Nunnari

Bills is the perfect example of a franchise who had the patience to build a team around their QB. Congrats BillsMafia!

    Ultimate Zeno

    Also, this one.

    P. Cricket

    @TheCarrendoShow stop with the what if’s smh


    What Abt the bucs ?

    B Xiong

    It’s good that digs found a nice team to play for. Jefferson soon will start looking also.



Catcher Freeman

That was the first field goal I’ve ever witnessed Tucker miss

    Jonathan Stellar

    That was the second field goal I’ve ever witnessed Tucker miss

    1So Xtra


Govey Jones

The most missed FGs I’ve ever witnessed

    nicholas loudermilk

    Thats what haooens though when the winds blowing in multiple directions at once

    Michael Robb

    Nope I have seen guys like Blair Walsh miss 4 out of 5 kicks with no wind 😆

michael mcbain

The Bills sniffed out this college option running offence pretty damn quick.

    TT FF

    @OL’ Head Cognito WTF are you even talking about. Sept 15 2020 was a Tuesday and there were no games. Even then whichever game you’re referring to I can assure you it wasn’t in the playoffs 🤣🤣

    OL' Head Cognito

    @TT FF And you hating on this young man just got debunked cuz I posted his passer rating, an bty anyone who uses the phrase (race card) is actually racist just for future reference.. 😂

    TT FF

    @OL’ Head Cognito Oh because I’m only half black I’m not privy to the race card you were trying to pull out? Riiight nice try boyyy.

    TT FF

    @OL’ Head Cognito what are you even talking about? 1 game? against who? WTF you talking about lol.

    Spencer Fritz

    I think the Bill’s are doing a spread offense


Everytime when a qb runs:
“Does a pretty good lamar imitation”

    Mr. Berry

    @Obama Runtz Lamar isn’t faster than Prime Vick. Lamar is around R3 speed (early 4.4s). He is more shifty than Vick.

    Narorth Khath

    Mike Vick over Lamar anyday

    Dan The Man

    @Obama Runtz lamar has better moves but he def wasn’t faster

    Will I am Musiq

    Really a Rg3 imitation…lol



Custom Vegan

Tables in Buffalo are now an endangered species

    David Waddell

    Awesome comment…..and TRUE!!

    Achyut Badri


    Kaybe Vang

    Buffalo must have a Table Factory then ?

    Custom Vegan

    @Kaybe Vang they have about 50, but they can’t keep up with demand

    Tyler Burdick

    @Kaybe Vang I think that is in talks to be built. Theres for sure about to be a shortage around here. It’s of the utmost importance our tax dollars get us more tables

Custom Vegan

1st half summary: “doink”
2nd half summary: *sound of tables breaking*

    TT FF


    J 20

    @TT FF Oh.

    You’re one of THOSE people.
    Guess this convos over then. ✌🏾

    TT FF

    @J 20 What does that even mean? You lose. Have a good one. 🤣🤣

    J 20

    @TT FF Are we naming winners and losers? 👀 Weird. Anyway, same to u.




I’m extremely impressed with josh Allen he really matured to become a great quarterback however that Buffalo defense is no joke

    Mr. Berry

    Thanks to QB coach Palmer! He has really helped him improve.

    xavier Rodriguez

    Not a great qb but a good one

    Zineb Benahmed

    @Viva Espana


    TikTok Reuploads

    @xavier Rodriguez he’s a top 3 qb in the NFL


    Good defense, but watch all the dropped and missed passes here. Add 2 ridiculous snaps and 2 “DOINKS”?
    Offense just imploded itself.

World Eater

And just like that, the ravens didn’t get a super bowl out of lamar Jackson


    @xellos metallium after calling it I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, his first year was great because defenses hadn’t figured him out yet. It’s either short throws or he’s running it every time. And rather than develop him as a throwing quarter back they are going to use him like Carolina did cam Newton 🤷‍♂️

    Dennis Wilkerson

    @ruffrida100 Seriously lol, they have Dobbins…… USE HIM!!!!

    TT FF

    @Dennis Wilkerson they tried and he dropped it multiple times lol. I agree they should run him more though.

    Michael Robb

    @ruffrida100 Grown man pop warner ball strategy 😡. They need to develop his pass attack or he’s a one note player.


    If Lamar don’t adjust, he will never win. Running quarterbacks don’t last to long in the league.

Theguy 2019

“He almost never misses.” The refs called it again!


    Go bills!

    TT FF

    NEVER FAILS when you’re the team that needs the FG. Of course if you’re hoping for the miss it’ll be right down the middle and they’ll show it would’ve been good from like 68 yards 🤣🤣

    Steve Ogilvie

    I have been at bills games where field goal trys get close to the uprights and then go backwards. The swirling wind is the best part of Bills home field advantage.

    Michael Robb

    Sometimes I believe these kickers miss on purpose. They are super good at their jobs and have the ability to make 70 yard kicks.



Animal Channel

Nothing more 2020 than Bills playing deep in the playoffs..

    Custom Vegan

    @mba5 its possible, but highly unlikely, especially without a star reciver. Ik that Landry is pretty good but he isnt O’Dell and I just dont think the run game is gonna beat the cheifs

    C J



    Good scouts, management and coaches can easily make a championship team. You sir, are dumb

    George Ibarra

    You’re dumb kid it’s 2021 sum let’s get smart this year 😐



Javian Johnson

That crowd sounded REAL GOOD for 6 thousand people. Imagine how the place would’ve sounded like with ALL of Bills Mafia in there 😬

    Kghost the great

    It would have been stupid loud

    Custom Vegan

    Bills mafia is starting to look better that Seahawks fans


    @Custom Vegan There is no comparaison, Buffalo enthusiast are the greatest, the atmosphere there is like a College Football game.

Riding with Dave

I’m a Saints fan but Bills have always been that team I root for other than the Saints. Happy to see them make it back to a championship game and would be even better another Super Bowl.


    no one asked


    Is it cool if I call you my football brother then? I go Bills first and Saints second all the way. It excites me that they could meet in The Game.


    As a fellow Saints fan, I do have a soft spot for the Bills





prince imed

“they’re going to get 3 points out of me, BELIEVE THAT, BELIEVE THAT”

-Lamar Jackson

To Have [S]EX With Me T[A]P Me!!

I felt a disturbance in the force, like a million tables being silenced in an instant

    no u

    Cat fish

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