Ravens Players React to Dez Bryant Touchdown | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

So happy for him πŸ™πŸ½βŒ

ZayKing 56



Let’s go baby

Sam Dath

Who would like us to bring Mr X back


The defense showing love is cool af

    Jagwar X

    Well they tanking anyway no need to be a bad sport


    @Jagwar X Baltimores defense came on the field to congratulate Dex idk what youre on about

    Nick avalos

    @Icehamjello he though5 you were talking about the jags

    Dark Sharxx

    The Ravens are a Family

Critical thinker

Cowboys lost a good wr, now look at them

    IsaiAbe's Gaming

    That’s not why they suck lol

Ben Valenzuela

Great to see him get that ball back. X!!!

Andre Myers

So happy for Dez!!!!

Stanton Misterka

I’m a cowboys fan and he is tge person who made me love football it’s good to see him out there doin good


    Im a ravens fan and seeing him throw up the X……..


    Im VERY disappointed that Dez didn’t get to face your team again…

    Stanton Misterka

    @TempuraStargazer I am too


Let get it DEZ

Jon Stremel

Glad Dez came out of retirement after the Cowboys game for moments like this

D. Miller

They played the right song. 🎢🎡 Return of the mack!Return of the mack! You know that I’d be backπŸŽΆπŸŽ΅πŸˆπŸ•ΊπŸΏ

Krista Queen

What a way to come back!!! πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€

Richard Queen, Jr.

Team chemistry +15%

Jahlil Shariah

Welcome back Dez X

Jay Theboss

The Legend himself


Show the whole play silly!


Gonna have to start playing β€œX gonna give it to ya” at the stadium when he score


He made me watch the sport, followed him to Baltimore. Go get em’, Dez!


Keep shining Dez, we gon need you!

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