Ravens Pause Football to Continue Social Justice Work | Ravens Final Drive – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
XT Jack


Ravens Fan4

Gotta love my ravens!

Jr Williams

Total joke ! Toddlers crawling around following all the other toddlers ! Lmmfao! Sports is done and this nation is a freakin clown show ! 😆


This #%*& is becoming a joke.

Miguel Hernandez

A public relations stunt instead of training/resting. Sounds like a smart move for athletes who play a contact sport.

    Miguel Hernandez

    @DorkJelly “Ackshually!”
    If you believe that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.


    @Miguel Hernandez Ah you’re one of those guys. When the facts are inconvenient…ITS FAKE!

    Miguel Hernandez

    @DorkJelly Cope fruit. I was disrespectfully mocking you and your spin.


    Miguel Hernandez My point still stands. You don’t like the facts, so you call it fake or in this case “spin”.

    Miguel Hernandez

    @DorkJelly “Its…uh… n-not marketing! Players j-just like to do e-extra stuff after practice!”
    Yep, spin alright. The coping variety too.

Jay Lethal

Keep this out of the NFL. Learn from the NBA, this isn’t constructive, it just causes a giant circus

    jake nail

    It’s a joke. All of this over a dude with a full rap sheet who resisted arrest. He had a knife. All he had to do was comply. He was not unarmed like the media is saying.

    Jalani Jackson

    🤡s mybad forgot the s

    Jacob Dill


    Authentically Ree

    Why would we keep it out of the NFL, when they have a huge platform. Also how does it cause a huge circus, what it does do actually… is apply pressure to some real changes that’s been needing to happen.


    Human life is more important than some fancy ring. And it’s their constitutional right to do what they’re doing, deal with it. It’s the price you pay for living in a free country.

Sam Dath

I support my team for taking responsibility in the justice movement go ravens

king shark

As we say in the streets, … sports is out here doing theeeee most. Where was all this for Tamir rice and Trayvon Martin. Kids .. not grown men disobeying lawful orders, but kids, one with a toy and one walking in his own neighborhood.

I cant with all this pump faking simp’testing.

    Your'a Moron

    I couldn’t agree more


    So basically because people weren’t standing up for social justice and doing anything in the past, that’s reason to not do something now? Lol…very backwards thinking.

    Lucky for us, its not up to you. A lot of you forget that most of these players come from the same backgrounds and neighborhoods that are affected by police brutality. Y’all want to cheer them on when they catch a ball, but cant support them when they fight for their people. Thats some fair-weather sh*t

    king shark

    @DorkJelly … lol, you sound like the players, a opportunist, “attention” junkie.

    I’ve pointed out the past very clear, how could you not move for a 12yr in a park with a toy, … the video still lives in my head to this day of them pulling up and just shooting a kid with a toy and lebron played a game that very night.

    No one did nothing for Tamir, a kid. Not a disobedient adult, but a kid who wasn’t given no warning.

    These guys are just now getting gumption, because people out burning things down and owners giving them the ok to dog whistle the community to be passive.

    Kyrie had already told them to dont even go forward with a season and they turned on him like judus, now they trying to steal his thunder, but turning back to playing.

    They can’t be taken seriously, and neither can you.

    Either be all in or all out.

    This isnt protesting, its simp’testing and snorting attention to feel high and mighty.


    @king shark Again you didn’t dispute my point. That’s backwards logic.

    “well people in the past didn’t do anything, so we shouldn’t either” Sorry but that is ignorant.

    Imagine people fighting in the civil war told each other “hey guys they didn’t do anything to stop slavery when it started so lets not do anything now…”

    As far as your proclaimed “attention seeking” goes…the whole part of a movement is that you have to build upon it. Take advantage of a moment where people are paying attention and amplify it. That’s how movements work, Like the civil rights movement, women’s suffrage movement and so on…

    king shark

    @DorkJelly … lol you really think the civil war was about slavery. Lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Now, the now part, … take advantage of a mass movement is what you saying… dont be the lone martyr for a Tamir rice, but jump in the herd opportunity for GROWN FOLKS WHO DISOBEDIENT TO LAWFUL ORDERS … you saying join that momentum fight.

    That as most see it now as a fraud, … oooo let’s protest, let cancel , wait let’s just postpone and make a dog whistle call, then get back to our high paid plantation gig.

    Sorry, but as they say, dont be half a gangster, all in like ali who forfeited 5yrs of his prime, or all out.

    The people sniffing the fakeness of it all anyway, and black and white are tired of it.

    Sorry schlmo, but nothing is gained without a severe price.

    N the civil war didn’t free the slaves,. … the gullah wars did that, when the slaves took it back in blood.

Your'a Moron

But none of the players on the Ravens never spoke up Against Ray Rice! Ooohhh the Irony!!!!

    Jacob Dill


    Jason Murray

    But it was on video that he beat his wife and they wasn’t going to have that and I agreed with the ravens

Operation Kilo

Nobody is going to save you

Rick lindblade

Just reading the comments…….conclusion; just play football guys. We are bombarded with this social justice 24/7, and are only get away used to be the NFL. The NFL will become like the NBA. Folks will stop watching all together. The comment section is already filled with people going after each other and this is a Ravens fan page? If our players take a knee or have BLM signs on the field then I’m done. When the fan base is gone these millionaires will wish they would have just played ball instead of making a political statement. Everyone has their own opinion. Right or wrong this is just my 2 cents on this issue. ~Blade out.

James Kruse

There is no such thing as social justice. Anything other than Justice is a fabrication.

Ron Dameron

I support the Ravens boycotting the NFL, “without” pay. Anything’ less than that is called vacation. Remember that you are “fan supported” which includes the victims and their sexual perpetrators…

Dad's Drones and Cars

I’ve been a hometown Ravens fan since they came to Baltimore, this will be the first year that I don’t watch or support them. So tired of the false BLM narrative. I can live without football.

    Authentically Ree

    We don’t need you as a fan.

    Sang Nguyen

    @Authentically Ree let them weed themselves out it will be better for our team and the true fans of the ravens.

Clint Walker

I did 3 years in Baltimore prisons. I seen the cops beat, stomp, and pepper spray handcuffed inmates almost everyday. That’s been years ago and I still remember the screams and constant kicking on doors. I remember what the cops did to Freddy Gray, threw him in the back of a van and broke his neck. He laid in the hospital suffering for a week until he died. Those cops all walked free. The cops kicked and stomped me until they broke my rib. I can tell you this, football teams kneeling, wearing armbands, and “protesting” ain’t gonna change it. No justice, no peace. MCAC, 401 East Madison St, Baltimore MD, (back then it was supermax).


    @bromar3000 I agree. People that aren’t born with your privilege and intellect deserve to get beat in prison.


    PowerMad I’m black as can be, grew up in a single parent home, not rich by any means. So I’m not sure what so called privileged I’m supposed to have lmao


    Clint Walker Clint, you sound awful bitter! YOU could have easily avoided your predicament by not doing the crime!


    @bromar3000 I’m so sorry to hear that you are black and thus, not privileged.

    Authentically Ree

    BuckshotPA1 Right because that makes what happened right. Just don’t do the crime, lmao. You don’t even make any sense.


Where was the players outrage when David Dorn was murdered ? Huh ? Where is it ? WHERE!?


    It`s so sad.


David Dorns life mattered!


LeGend Taliferro’s life mattered!


Wish I could pause my job for social justice and still get paid.

Authentically Ree

To judge them on doing something that they are doing to highlight what happened to these HUMAN BEINGS, is simply illogical or maybe you just don’t care enough because it doesn’t affect you. Either way I respect the Ravens for standing on something, and for those telling them just play football.. your part of the problem. I don’t have to agree with everyone, not everyone thinks the same. Nor should they, but come on now it’s common sense.

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