Ravens Hand Tom Brady First 3-Game Losing Streak Since 2002! – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

That rush attack mauled them so bad, I actually started feeling bad for the bucs. It looked like it hurt a lot.


    Are you a a bucs fan? If not why care? I only care about my eagles. Why do you new fans feel bad when a team that’s not yours loses. I want every team to lose but my eagles and that’s how you should be as a fan

    ColtsFan4Life 35

    The Ravens just broke their spirits with the rush attack. It was brutal.

    ColtsFan4Life 35

    @Von No excuses. The Bucs weren’t stopping the run even with a healthy defense. 🤷🏿‍♂️


    Yeah? Bucs we’re getting after Lamar last night. But they made adjustments and Lamar spanked the D


    @Von there isn’t a defense in nfl history that’s stopping the ravens rush attack when it’s full strength. They on 2 of the three greatest season outputs ever and still consistently put up 200 on any defense.


Shoutout to Justin Houston. When he’s on the field, he’s a menace.


    Ikr. Ravens beat players on D are 50 year old men way past their primes. Houston, JPP, and to a small extent Campbell, who freakishly still seems to be in prime.

Miguel Rodriguez

Im so Happy for him. 😊 GORams!!


    Go Cowboys 😁

    ch hansen


Monterrio Alexander

All I’m gonna say is, when Arians was involved the offense was great. Historically Bruce has always put good, well coached teams on the field offensively, as both coordinator and head coach. Brady wanted Arians gone, and he got his wish.

    ch hansen

    @Goodnight Munchie <<<<<100% CLOWN

    Goodnight Munchie

    @ch hansen quit deleting your comments 🙄🚬

    Ricky Kozak

    @William Li I can’t count on two hands the amount of grossly overthrown and under thrown passes from Brady last night. It’s so infuriating watching him chew out Evans when Evans was only responsible for one drop, compared to Tom’s countless bad throws

    William Li

    @Ricky Kozak I didn’t blame Evans, but do you remember *Brady wants his receivers at exact spot at exact time* when he was in Pats.
    They were bad throws because of timing and not on same page.

    William Li

    @Ricky Kozak Just check the first throw I mentioned, the throw on first down from 12 yard line when score was 10-17, after Evans huge catch.
    See that the space Brady threw to was wide wide open? but for some reason, the receiver slowed down. It looks like the receiver not realizing that the space was wide open.

Kadeem Sealy

Nobody fears him anymore that’s the problem

Dave Ritchey

This is an example of a new head coach from defense not having a good offensive coordinator. Hire the best and let then do their job

    ch hansen

    Wtf are you even talking about?

monti miller

Brady’s probably feeling numb because he’s looking back after the ’21 Super Bowl Win realizing, ~”THAT WAS THE PERFECT TIME”~to have walked away from the game just like Peyton(’16)and Elway(’98)!!!

    stéphane A

    @Scott Lubin That’s stupid to think Schefter had anything to do with it.

    ch hansen

    Only crybaby losers like you think that way!

    Alexander B

    Tom was playing way too well. I mean he should have won MVP last year. Nobody could have predicted that all this stuff would go wrong injuries or otherwise.

    Scott Lubin

    @stéphane A Is it though? Think about who Tom Brady is. I’m not saying it was the only reason, but I guarantee you it lit a fire under him. That and the NFC being weak.

    William Li

    Are you kidding? Nothing now will stop him from playing another 3 seasons to break George Blanda’s record.

Kevin Mckay

I truly hated her take… the problem was always that everything was catered for Brady to be great… tuck rule, deflate gate, amongst other questionable calls, scandals, the no call in the saints rams game to send the rams to play the patriots instead… the Seattle debacle, etc I can go on and on… no hate Tom is a great person and QB but I definitely like the reality he’s going through right now. He has done enough he should have just retired and stayed with him family


    Don’t forget Brady’s PEDs

    ch hansen

    OMFG shut up clown!

    Timothy Miller

    Your take is trash so…

    Alexander B

    You can’t possibly say “no hate” when most of your take was just that. I get it, your tired of him dominating for 23 years. If you actually watch the games you would notice Brady is STILL a great QB. He is the least of the Bucs issues. But I get it, you like to kick him while he’s down at the moment

    William Li

    Brady and his receivers were not on the same page. Just look at the two throws at 12 yard line when 10-17, look at the spots Brady threw the balls to and where his receivers ran.
    Gronk and AB were able to see what he saw. Only Godwin among current squad can see what he sees.

AJ Mulenga

The drop of off between this year and last year for Brady is mindblowing. Dude led the league in TDs and passing yards last year and could’ve easily been OPOY and MVP, now he’s on pace for like 18 TDs. And I’m pretty sure the ravens had like 8 starters out on defense

    nassi glutt

    Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the team isn’t his first choice. The players can’t let go so they not serious while Tom is trying

    ch hansen

    Are you always this dense? Seriously? You dont know EXACTLY what the OBVIOUS problem is? Perhaps you should stick to basket weaving!

    Cee Bee

    It’s not about Brady. It’s about Ronald Jones, Gronk, and AB being absent. That’s some heavy duty playmaking talent that he could rely on which is no longer there.

    viking raider

    Just ask drew brees

    William Li

    Brady and his receivers were not on the same page. Just look at the two throws at 12 yard line when 10-17, look at the spots Brady threw the balls to and where his receivers ran.
    Gronk and AB were able to see what he saw. Only Godwin among current squad can see what he sees.

Joshua Langston

I really think this is finally it for Tom Brady. He is going to retire for good after this season. I know we have all put a fork in his career like three times in the past but this has to be the end for him. Heck of a career.

    William Li

    Nah, the divorce means that he will play another 3 seasons.
    Brady and his receivers were not on the same page. Just look at the two throws at 12 yard line when 10-17, look at the spots Brady threw the balls to and where his receivers ran.
    Gronk and AB were able to see what he saw. Only Godwin among current squad can see what he sees.

    William Li

    BTW, when he said that he wouldn’t retire to media, the message was not for media, it was for G.

bruce lau

this is literally uncharted territory for the Buccaneers, i mean even for TB 12’s standards, his first 3 game losing streak since 02 ? like i can’t believe it actually happened but it did. just unbelievable


    @Goodnight Munchie Brady GOAT but he can’t carry bad Oline and defense isn’t nearly as good to carry to Suber bowl. Cheifs and Bills both squashing TB and most the league

    Derek D

    A 3 game losing streak is ‘literally uncharted territory’ for the Buccaneers? You do know that this is the same team that lost 26 straight games at one point in their history right?

    Goodnight Munchie

    @Derek D lol 😅🚬

    Unholy Echo

    @Derek D was just gonna say, I’ve been a bucs fan since ‘01, it’s been generally brutal until Brady came 😂

    Derek D

    @Unholy Echo Credit to you for being a fan through good times and bad man. I’m a Chiefs fan personally, and life is good right now but I don’t dare forget some of those seasons when we went 2-14.

Linda Rachetto

Sad to see. Hope the Bucs can get back in the groove.

Geordie Jones

Both Brady and Rogers haven’t lost it all of a sudden. Their O Lines are terrible and that makes the QBs job so much harder. Remember when Mahomes couldn’t hike without having to scramble almost immediately? O Line matters for everything especially the run game.

Kevin Clements

Couldn’t happen to more of a cheatin’ bastard….I’m smiling after each loss.


    Worse is the nfl supported pats and Brady. For the $$$$.

Brent Pulford

I’m neither a fan of Brady nor the Bucs but I thought there were a lot of bright spots for the team last night. The line was holding, Brady was executing and the running game was working. What I saw was a slow breakdown of discipline and communication. I don’t know if that reflects on the coaching staff or the players. My guess is that it’s systemic failures that the entire organization needs to identify and address. In defense of Brady, I thought the offense lost focus or just ran out of steam. Those penalties at the end were enough to demoralize any QB.

Alexander B

People have been waiting 23 years to kick Tom when he is down at the moment. They have been so envious and mad that he has dominated as long as he has. BUT… if you try to look at the games objectively Brady is the least of the Bucs problems. When you have undisciplined penalties and miscues, a defense banged up and getting ran all over on. A O line that CANNOT BLOCK which is causing him to throw at times some in accurate passes. Because lets be honest: arm strength, velocity and accuracy are still there. Tom is still a great player. The O line also needs to create running lanes for the backs. I mean they have the worst running game in the HISTORY of the NFL…. think about that 😳Coaching and play calling needs to get better as well, maybe with some pieces returning things can improve. If they can be at .500 by the bye week; I still like there chances down the stretch.

David Caunter

As a Pats fan, I have nothing but love and appreciation for TB. I wish he went out on top but he’s earned the right to go out on his terms.

Gianna -Don’t Scroll

All I’m gonna say is, when Arians was involved the offense was great. Historically Bruce has always put good, well coached teams on the field offensively, as both coordinator and head coach. Brady wanted Arians gone, and he got his wish.

Sarah Don't T[A]P Me!!

The drop of off between this year and last year for Brady is mindblowing. Dude led the league in TDs and passing yards last year and could’ve easily been OPOY and MVP, now he’s on pace for like 18 TDs. And I’m pretty sure the ravens had like 8 starters out on defense

Teez Williams

Ayy bro, as a die hard Ravens fan from Baltimore, that had wars against the GOAT for decades when he was wit the Pats, and he 100% has earned my respect! It actually hurts seein him go down like this, especially with all the love he publicly shows Lamar, AND, with my Ravens havin some of the very similar team wide struggles and injuries this year, it 100% hurts for TB12/The GOAT, but I’m SUUUUUPER SATISFIED It happened against my Ravens lol….. but I wish all the luck to Tom, unless, of course he meets us in the Super Bizzle, then he can have a shoulder issue and not play 😂😂😂😂😂 buuuuut all jokes aside, GOOOO RAVENS!!! Guess now we gotta choose which half we wanna play lol can’t play an entire game 😂. Ayoooo how tf can u feel more confident your gonna win when your losing 10-3 at the half, than when your winning 35-7 at the beginning of the 4th Quarter????? 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️

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