Ravens Fan Reacts to Winning Season Tickets for 20 Years | Final Drive – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Ravens Fan Reacts to Winning Season Tickets for 20 Years | Final Drive

Through a partnership with the Maryland Lottery, the Ravens awarded a fan season tickets for the next 20 years of Baltimore Ravens games.

#BaltimoreRavens #Ravens #NFL

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Darrien Robinson

@Ravens all I want is 50 yard line front row seat for Christmas! Pleaaaaassssseee!

MsRG 2019

I’m happy for her! I would have reacted the same way!!!

Aaron Webster II

Nice! I’m an Arizona Ravens fan and currently “planning” on visiting and attending a HOME game in October of 2021 to celebrate my 50th birthday. We’ll see if I can make it or not…

    william carter

    Aaron Webster II make that one trip u don’t miss because you’ll those memories for a lifetime 🤘

ol Dino lo

Been a ravens fan all my life. And I’ve never been to a game. This year will be the year. December 29

    P J

    @SmokeSky TV It was raining and I had a blast!!!

    Bradley Johnson

    I’ve been a fan since I was 5 or 6 (06-07) and the Patriots game this year was my first game. Such an amazing environment and experience and I’m going to the ravens chiefs game this year in Baltimore, I’m gonna try to make it a yearly tradition

    Cristian Vargas

    My first ravens game was against the titans in playoffs… i stayed til the end, great experience overall, you HAVE to see them at least once

    Shrek n Donkey

    Bradley Johnson that will be a great game I’ll go with you!


Awwwww congratulations 💜 Big Truss!!

ryan damon

Hi ravens 💜💜💜🖤🖤🖤🏈🏈

Elias Ghanem

NFL draft in 2 months!


I like how their is 0 dislikes.. good job everyone, ur real fans.


    Now there’s one..

the po 5555



Thats the damn dream

Big Al

Congratulations Lolita

Eli Andrade

just crushes poe’s beak lol

Ben Valenzuela

Well that’s dope because these next few years would definitely be worth some money. Congrats!!

Arrowsverse /gaming

Poe 😂

Faigy Lazewnik

Is that poe?

Liu Kang Kixx

Congrats to her!! 🖤💜🖤💜🖤💜🖤💜

Ms Sandy

Congratulations Ms Lolita!!

Richard Henckel

Cant wait until the nfl combine.


thats a true fan right there maan. the way she jumped man lotta folks i dont think coulda did that at the drop of a hat

Frosted Ice Pharoah

That is sweet, in the next 20 years, the Ravens will win the Super Bowl three times if not more.

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