Rapoport, Garafolo: Flacco Named QB1 in Week 1 | The New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Michael N

That might be the best decision

Das lol

Healthy enough to practice but can’t play until week 4 BS


Wow you guys are as savvy as a common six year old




Honestly, this kid might not be worth this BS. Flacco is a cement statue, and Ravens are coming on both sides. Flacco is horrible folks. Should have let one of the kids, White or Strevelar start. Wilson is being treated like royalty and realistically he may be worse QB out of the 4. Nah, my patience is spent with this kid. Now you have a OC (Lafleur) who IMO should not even be in that position, guy played football for 20 minutes in high school! Why is he leading this teams offense?. So here we go again, Run every 1st down, take zero chances and play catch up in 4th Quarter so Flacco can do what he does best, throw to other team. Wilson can’t answer bell, that’s on him. Start one of the young guys and play big boy football.

    Jarvis Z

    I’m legit getting tired of every play on 1st being a run play it never fails

    Joshua Mitchell

    Ravens dont even have a pass rush . All the other stuff is crap crap!

    when you have a practice squad team in the NFL , you will lose point blank period. No coaching or game plan will help. You need actual NFL LEVEL CALIBER TALENT to win games.

    Do you know how many dudes that started for the jets last year on others teams practice squads today! Its about 14 niggas ( NUFF SAID ) thats nuts! Why do u think the jags went on a shopping spree this offseason, bc they had a practice squad team too lol

James D

It don’t matter who QB every team got figure out how cover them weapons we got


I’m sorry for you my brethren. Every year we are here.. same old story. Yikes! If it’s not one thing it’s another. go Jets 🏳🏳🏳🏳🏳🏳


Gotta love the ears on that guy.

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