Randall Cobb: ‘We’ve got to find a way to get into the playoffs’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
trenton megow

Go pack go!

Stan Thompson

Lets go out there and find away to get in.Gopackgo.🧀


Just get in. Like seriously, just get into the playoffs and see what happens.

Debbie Alberton

Cop get all the cop get all the guys ready for the Lions we got to beat the Lions I know the guys are ready they’re excited we got to beat them at least by 7:00 or 14 go pack go

Jason Mariani

Randall you’re all heart. Thanks to you and all that play. It’s dangerous. E know. All the prayers go to him.

King David

This sounded like a threat to Cobb and his family.. the Packers media journalists are wild


Give Doubs a joint or sum before the gave a tell the kid play loose i garuntee he finished with the biggest game of his young career

Vincent Giaquinto

Randall Cobb wants to win…I wouldn’t be surprised if we see vintage Cobb on Sunday

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