Randall Cobb on the longevity of his NFL career: ‘The goal was always 12 years” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
The BrotherHood Sports

They act like Cobb is 45

    Eric Glenn

    @Jonathon C Chill bro. We don’t know what’s he’s feeling like

    Calvin Hicks

    @Lucas Nogueira non superstar? Maybe not now but definitely earned higher than what your giving him

    Lucas Nogueira

    @Calvin Hicks love Cobb but he was never a superstar he had 1 season with superstar like production just before taking a paycut to stay with us

    Calvin Hicks

    @Lucas Nogueira more than 1 buddy stats dont lie

    Lucas Nogueira

    @Calvin Hicks exactly! Other than 2014 say another were he had it never even had another year over 1000 yards. Cobb is great but let’s not be too biased

vanessa moseley

Awesome player 👏

bill unmuth

head coach material

miscellaneous etc.

the man deserves a ring. let’s get it!!!!!


    Him and big dog


Ignorant/ disrespectful lead in question. That’s not how competitors think. Have some more respect for this still great receiver whose not finished.

    Bobbie Grace

    AGREED 👏👏👏🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾💯💯💯💛💚💛💚

Ikken Hisatsu

Every reason I love the Packers, for almost 60 years. Randall and Jordy – two great players and two great characters. The Green Bay Packers, seem to value character and morals, and it shows. Aaron Rodgers once told his mother he wanted to be remembered as a great football player, but more, he wanted to be remembered as a great man. Says it all. Go Pack go!

Jill Kubitschek

Randall is the best!😍


Jordy is a bad man

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