Raiders Fight to the Very End in Wild-Card Loss to the Bengals | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Raiders Fight to the Very End in Wild-Card Loss to the Bengals | NFL

Raiders host Erin Coscarelli, analyst Eric Allen and former quarterback Bruce Gradkowski recap the Las Vegas Raiders' wild-card matchup against the Bengals.

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We had a good run this season

Moises Ortega Garcia

Proud of my team, we’ll be back stronger next year!!!! Raider for life!!!!!

    Unknown Raider Guy


    James C



    Exactly we can’t be mad at them for not pulling this last Win. After all the adversity and still be able to pull it this far, says a lot! Rich has earned this position, so has Gus, and idk about Greg Olson…. Imagine starting a fresh new season with zero drama and that the focus is just Winning 💯

    Again, I’m happy for my team!
    Go Raiders!!!

    luis Montalban

    Finally now officially the NFL world knows that the refs are making horrible play calls against the raiders but great run. Much success left to go

Resendez family

Tough lost 😩 we couldn’t score in the red zone Penalties hurt us bad the kick return out at the 2 and defense couldn’t stop them bad calls by reffs. Gotta take this L and come back harder 💪 💯 😤 ☠🏴‍☠️


    he messed up its fine hes still a good playet he timed it wrong

Boss Raider46

So proud of the raiders


    Proud of the players. Not the coaching

    Unknown Raider Guy

    @R Vega Why pursue Watson ? Yes I love to have him but what if we got him everything good but then he gets indicted ? That’ll be a waste of money,season and we’ll have to start again looking for another QB. Watson is not no option until he’s cleared of his charges.


    @Unknown Raider Guy i agree. No more guys wity questionable personal lives. We need integrity, cuz those guys actually play every sunday. If we had ruggs today, we would have scored another touchdown.

    Unknown Raider Guy

    @Samsaraindo I agree if we had Ruggs we would’ve had the AFC west locked (4 losses the worst)

Fred Reichner

After everything they’ve been thru,they went out fighting,love the heart and respect them greatly

Yung King variety

Imagine how much the raiders could have won by if they scored every time they were in the red zone, just think about that.


    @FLORIDA-BOY the oline was terrible. Leatherwood sucks. We need to rebuild there.


    @Samsaraindo and walk back to the sideline and get a pat on the back smh
    Nobody getting yelled at. No accountability

    all time raider fan win baby

    The play has to come in quicker, an carr has to be a threat that’s why Marcus should have been in there, now they should think about the O-line for next year to many penalties on them at the wrong time, also what the player’s an the coaches should do before mandatory training camp is go into the video room an watch John Madden’s team’s, seek & destroy was the way they did things, an we could always go deep, but really Carr has to make better decisions an give his speed be accurate when throwing deep, we should have won this game 27-14, oh in get rid of some players, foster, barber, leatherwood, Olson,cable, an other O-line men

    Short Mexicano

    @Samsaraindo I agree, our defense is actually so much more improved compared earlier in the year but our online is trash, they don’t give carr time to scan for the best throw

    Alexander Rodriguez

    @all time raider fan win baby definitely not gonna drop leatherwood after a season he’s just a rookie hopefully gets better like Miller did but the rest yeah foster had a td gotta hold the ball and Jackson gotta catch the ball


Getting better each year!!! Let’s keep going!!!! With all the BS this year they still did a pretty damn good job! Build on what we got and looking forward to an even better year next year!!!!!

The Lost Library

They are a close-knit team with playoffs in their blood now. I am proud of the Raiders – congrats to all of them. A big mistake if you break this team apart as close locker rooms win championships.

    coco xoxo

    That’s what I’m
    Most afraid of…

Lori Lamp

So proud of my guys, love my Raiders 🖤 we fought till the end 💪 coming out even stronger next year 👀 RN4L 💪

    James C


    Lori Lamp

    @James C what’s so funny?

Lori Lamp

They should of took that touchdown from the Bengals it was a dead play…we always get screwed over…Us against the world 💪

    Eli Avila

    Right and I’m pissed off at that

    Garrett lee

    Should of never been a whistle.. Burrow was in bounds. Great season for the raiders tho

    all time raider fan win baby

    It’s been like that since Al Davis won his legal battle against the NFL in the good old boys, why didn’t the official from New York call back an tell the refs, why wait until after the game is over?, Plus neither one of our coaches call the refs to tell them to get the rule book, not knowing what to do, get a coach that can think in situations like that, the tuck rule that is what bill did

    Lori Lamp

    @Garrett lee thank you appreciate that..

    Lori Lamp

    @Eli Avila I feel you.. it’s not fair what they do to us, we deserved to be in the playoffs just like all them other teams playing but when you gotta cheat to win karma will get ya…they ain’t going anywhere anyway they aren’t winning next week…

Vigilant Citizen

Waller was wide open. Damn! You win some, you lose some. Great season fellas.

    Uncle Rico

    On the 5 yard line lol. Horrible play call

Unknown Raider Guy

NFL needs to have a rule that if a team is eliminated from the playoffs because of a refs bad call that team should be awarded top 1st round pick in the next upcoming draft. If not they should have a new rule where refs can be challenged by the coach and it’ll be up to Roger Goodell to review immediately and make the final decision


    yeah like when the refs gave chargers a pi call when the ball was 20 yard away giving the raiders a touchdown?

    Galactic Goo

    Leave it at the hands of Goodell. … Right

Kevin Kaatz

Great season guys, proud of y’all for hanging tough despite the worst of circumstances

Abdul Ali

I would like Reich get one year under his belt to how far he can go and thanks to the boys. Long live to Raiders Nation. Raiders for Life .


Mayock is doing tremendous work. Keep it going! Hands should be less tied next season.

Mana Tangitau

We need to get a true 1# wide receiver, right tackle, Defensive tackle, corner back

Kayden Gage

It really is good to see Bruce Gradkowski, I remember being so hyped to see him come out and play with some grit as a youngin’

Kevin Murphy

Thank you Erin, Bruce and one of my favorite DBs Eric ! God bless you all . See ya’ll next year

Jeffanthony Garcia

B Doc was one of my favorite QBs. Even when he gave up an int you knew he was going to come back stronger. No quit in him.

Esteban JWB

We are proud. Great season guys now get Harbaugh and start a new bright era

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