Raiders Arrive at Allegiant Stadium for the First Time | Las Vegas Raiders – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

good thing: i live 15 mins from the stadium, bad thing: no fans still 2021. bright side: go raiders


    Wym no fans there still hasn’t been a game held there

    WhyU SoJelly

    Lucky you, I’m 5 hours but I don’t mind road trips!

    Ruben Uribe


    Reno Raider

    If you live in Nevada and your not a raider fan i feel sorry for you. This is history in the making!

Raider97 1

Clelin ferrel got big he gonna be a problem this year no question

    Kirby on the mic


    Kirby on the mic

    He gonna let people know that who he really is

    J W

    Bro! That was my first thought.

    Raider97 1

    Kirby on the mic 15 sacks 3 force fumbles 1 interception calling it now no 🧢 that my prediction for him I got Max Crosby getting same sacks and josh Jacobs winning the best RB of the year and DC for MVP 11-5 record playoff appearance no 🧢

    Kirby on the mic

    @Raider97 1 yessir 🔥🔥✊


Abram been a little too quiet lately. He’s gonna get to bidnezzz🔥👊


    Yep you know that man chopping at this year’s opportunity. He is by far the #1 Raider I’m looking forward to watching most.


    Quiet? Ha he already caught an interception.

    Reno Raider

    I’ve noticed that too.


    @TRAGEDY TURNED TRIUMPH Quiet as in not being as verbal as last year. His game speaks for itself.

VnEv Boss

Anywhere in town you can see the deAth star ⭐… !!! Let’s go


9-12 wins at best long as we stay healthy & focus on both sides no negativity on our players.

    Eeds Ssxv

    AFC West is stacked. The Chargers will have a losing record, though. 5–11 or 6–10 at best, 2–14 or 3–13 at worst.

    J W

    @Real Richmond lol. It took me a second read too. Is it still 16 though or did they go with 17 now?

    Real Richmond

    @J W who knows with this plandemic

    J W

    @Real Richmond True.


    Real Richmond 9 to 12 wins at best I didn’t mean 9-12 lol

Ezzz Raiderz

Raiders Nation we need to have a top 10 Offense and Defense this year and bring home the chip

    Sam Quinones

    Y’all goin 6-10 Mariota gonna end up starting 🤣

    # KingTV

    Calm down with the top 10 Defense because there are to many new players and they need some time to gel but between 15 and 18 will be enough when the Offense will be in Top 10. 😉

    JD WHS

    @Sam Quinones Hahahahahaha Funny joke 🤣🤣🤣


    y’all goin 8-8 2021 season y’all will prolly make playoffs tho

    JD WHS

    @SurgeSwaggy I think we go maybe 10-6, 11-5. I love what we did this offseason

Luis Rendon Tapia

Can they please be longer than 1-2 minutes! 😤


clelin looking 2x bigger than last year. Heard he put on 13 pounds of muscle. He gonna be a monster next year

    VnEv Boss

    You mean this year bro ?


“Can we start tomorrow?” Clelin ferrel

    Keimahnee Brown

    That’s why i love em, my boy always ready to work 🖤☠


    Keimahnee Brown he is going to be a stud this year that’s for sure


One of the best stadiums in the league with out a doubt

Help me reach 5,000 subs with just two videos

I never liked going to Vegas

But now I do

Jason Cornelius

For a second there I thought Ruggs had Ferrell on that Donald Duck OJ.


    The Donald Duck OJ people need to be putting Ruggs in a commercial.

Scott Wallace

Long overdue and well deserved. It’s about time they have a home worthy of the Silver and Black.


Seeing Jonathan Abram made me hyped! You can tell he’s going to embody everything that it means to a be a Raider


the fact that this stadium couldnt be built in Oakland where the team belongs is always gonna bother me….. but damn it the place is beautiful!!

    Riley kazama

    I cannot wait to be in the stadium myself and I’m a Falcons fan

    Gladiator Spear

    This stadium looks real dope.

    Gladiator Spear

    Riley kazama be prepared to meet Raider fans from The Bay Area, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Lol

    Riley kazama

    @Gladiator Spear I have no hate towards the Raiders

Patrick K

Trent Brown walking around with spilled Gatorade on his hoodie lol

    erik puka

    He probably needs 3 seats on the team plane when they travel.Dude about 400 lbs

Cool Breeze

Carr put on his wife’s shoes by accident.

Lars Poen

Attention Oakland Politicians, ” you’ve stolen and wasted money to build about 3 or 4 of these since the 80’s”
Bite me

Joey Noack

There has to be more then 45 seconds of content…… you’re killing me!!! Give me moooooorrrrrreeeee

Elsie Ortiz

Black Hearted baby the raiders as a team look so damn good on paper let them look even better on the field! It’s long over due …

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