Quarterback Russell Wilson Wild Card Press Conference | Seahawks 2019 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Quarterback Russell Wilson Wild Card Press Conference | Seahawks 2019

Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson talks with the media on Thursday during the first week of playoffs at the Virginia Mason Athletic Center.

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Eduardo Loera

Go Hawks!!

Christopher Shanahan

What makes him great is his optimistic attitude. He’s always looking at the positive. Hard work and optimism. Great football player and human being. Go Hawks!

    Christopher Shanahan

    @Mark Brown you don’t know that. there are lots of people who make his kind of money and are miserable and don’t have a good attitude look at Aaron Rodgers

    Money Mitch

    Yea u right but sometimes he needs to show that grit get mad sometimes,….I love the positive attitude but damn Russ u got to show angry let the team know that we need to get it done

    shane nelson

    @Money Mitch i agree 100 percent haha i think its us fans tho that want that the most, his teammates may have a different opinion on it, maybe him being positive in the worst situation has worked for them

    Shanna Smith

    Tom Brady also

    Shanna Smith

    With the bad attitude making millions


i believe in this team and we can try to make it as far as we can, however right now theres is no room for mistakes, the eagles are a pretty tough team even tho they did lose some people but it cant be like in arizona, just take it slow one play at a time, we need some 3rd down conversions, fake runs, turnovers, and accurate passes, best of luck!

    Brian Theron Carroll

    Only if the refs are paying attention and call the calls there supposed to

THE tinydoughboyjr


    Daniel Upsdell

    Beast mode will have a great game giving him the ball more

    2 touchdowns

    Hawks win
    28 – 20

    THE tinydoughboyjr

    Daniel Upsdell Yessir

Film Guru

We’re not playing the same Eagles team we beat last time. This will be a tough game. I can see us winning 20-17

    Adrien Rodriguez

    Very true. I also feels everyone underestimates Eagles. I disagree. Either way, Hawkes got this!!!

    shane nelson

    Hawks 27 eagles 17…..although eagles up 17 to 13 going into the 4th

    Puppygod Yt

    Why are u scared of the eagles when they played four last trash teams 🤦‍♂️

    shane nelson

    @Puppygod Yt true

    Film Guru

    Puppygod Yt this is the NFL. Any given Sunday. Our defense sucks lol

Jeffrey Collier

Russell and Coach Carroll have a unique relationship. They share a bond that embodies priorities. I would say attitude, a positive attitude is one of the most important one for them. This is almost a requirement to join the team, not skill, not reputation, but attitude. Guys with negative or bad attitudes don’t last long with the Seahawks. Developing heart, that special attribute that is intangible, that come from within, your spirit and soul. Many, many players on this team have heart and Russell and Pete definitely encourage that spirit. Good luck in the playoffs! Go Hawks!

Fouad Alabdi

Seahawks got this go hawks 💚💙

Keith Sparling

Thrres a lot of weight on this guys shoulders…. but if anybody can do it, its Russ! Tough as it gets

    Keith Sparling

    @Brian Theron Carroll Thats tight for making uncle Pete look like a hero. Think about it, if not for Russell Wilson, pete Carroll wouldnt have a job…. let alone the over rated reputation he has. Now think of Wilson QB in Dallas, L A, Chicago…. yeah, Pete owes him big.

    Brian Theron Carroll

    Well someone had to teach Russell Wilson how it’s played in the NFL mabe bothe are heroes

    Frederick Jacobson

    @Keith Sparling You’re way off base here! Pete is not perfect and he may not be a good game manager, but he is a hell of a coach! Eight straight winning seasons (only team besides NE) as a small-market franchise…he assembled one of the most dominant defenses in NFL history by consistently finding and developing top-tier talent drafted in the middle rounds / acquired via trade. The Hawks rank around the top of the league in turnover margin, year in and year out. Best record in the NFL in primetime games under Carroll as well.

    Keith Sparling

    @Frederick Jacobson Not off base so much as I see it differently. Sure Pete has his strengths, and because of them he is still coaching. He is the best at finding new talent. Agreed, and finding Russell Wilson is what has kept him looking so good. Coincidently, along with those 8 years. Was Russell Wilson…. That is who is most responsible and every 12 knows it! The delay of game penalty against the Niners… Are you serious? From the 1 to the 6 yd line. He blew that game. And all the chances to win, and they couldn’t pull the trigger. Pete built that great defense, and dismantled a dynasty with one play call, and we all know what it was… Most of the “legion of boom ” is still playing… AGAINST US! And he is wasting a great play-action passing quaterback. He should trade Wilson for Wentz, there is a Q B to waste handing off a football, but not Wilson. Go Hawks!

    Keith Sparling

    @Brian Theron Carroll Sure, now if we could teach Pere how not get delay of game penaltys, we wont blow any more like the Niners….

Marc Amico

Let the heart attacks begin on Sunday-Super Bowl Sunday. Not sure how much longer we as Seahawks fans can endure these close games any longer. Lol.

    Deon Moore



I love how damn sincere Russ is. Always so respectful to the media no matter the situation. Great leader! Go Hawks!!

    NFL Predicts

    Andrew I was about to comment that.He literally always never thinks about himself and is always smiling


Russell is literally the best person to have in your life. Thank god he’s on the hawks! #Gohawks

    Skoden Fineden

    ask him for a pay cut ta help his team out? is than he still the best? 🤭 if rejects a pay cut.

    GO HAWKS 💪🏾

    Jon Collins

    Yeah cause if not for him the Hawks would be a garbage team.

THE tinydoughboyjr

If you want the HAWKS to go to the SUPERBOWL hit that like button!!!

    jose bisaillon

    💪😤🤙 we will! Goooooo hawks Chicago 12s!


    @jose bisaillon hell yeah

    alexander avalos



    Ok, this is the first time in my life I’ve ever been swindled into hitting a like on a YT comment. Worth it.

    Almighty Chopper

    David Gabrie that’s the same coach who create the LOB….. Our denfense is young they’ll learn

roy ashman

Lets just mix it up this week , we dont need to wait until we are 20-0 down to start playing , cmon its there for us…

    Shanna Smith

    I wonder why they do that…. seriously lol


1. 2. 3.

1. No turn overs.
2. Go Nill on Penalties
3. ! 3rd Dn Conversions !

Petes winning formula
Stick to the formula . greater chance to win the game.


    Brent Jackson

    4. (th and goal) Switch the headset off and hand the ball to 24.

    Following this step would have given SEA a super bowl and a bye this weekend.


I am a die hard 49ers fan. But I have to give it up to Russ. I love his personality and he is so kind and sweet. Can’t help but to love him!


I love my quarterback! …. GO HAWKS BABY NORTHWEST PRIDE 💚💙💪💣

Brendan D

Let Russ be Russ, please don’t handcuff him

Josh K

Head coach Wilson someday?

    Jojo Gonzalez

    Josh K yo that would be fire high key

Roger Britt

“DANGERUSS” Such a humble leader,we got as good a shot as any!!!!

    Oscar Gurule

    Roger Britt amen

    Pinoy Way


Jon Little

It seems like we haven’t had no good starts or if we do have a good start we have a lousy ending

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