QB Aaron Rodgers video conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

QB Aaron Rodgers video conference

Watch QB Aaron Rodgers address the media

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Ras Jahson

BORING! Your season will end no later than January 30, 2022! Deja Vu of last season! Rodgers like favre=1 Career Super Bowl Win

    Ras Jahson

    @Glocksx 🤍 I’m not a delusional fan of any sports team on any level!

    BORING! Your season will end no later than January 30, 2022! Deja Vu of last season! Rodgers like favre=1 Career Super Bowl Win

    Mr. Brenman21

    @Ras Jahson You are absolutely *obsessed* with the Packers. You say you aren’t a fan of any sports team yet you know all about Rodger’s career and what happened last year. You comment on literally every video. More lies from you. *YOU* *WILL* *COMMENT* *HERE* *AGAIN* . *DANCE* *PUPPET* 🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺

    Ras Jahson

    @Mr. Brenman21 Yes you are!

    BORING! Your season will end no later than January 30, 2022! Deja Vu of last season! Rodgers like favre=1 Career Super Bowl Win

    Dave Clark

    @person You must be talking about State Farm commercials aired during the Super Bowl.

    Dave Clark

    @WMH It aged pretty spot on.

Brad Beam

MVP 💎💎💎💎



Eugene Garrison


Tee Ahhing


    Tee Ahhing

    @Trey McNichols IM BACK

    Tee Ahhing

    @Erik Schyvinck IM BACK

    Tee Ahhing

    @polo velasquez I’m back opposite of dump GENIUS 😂

    Tee Ahhing

    @Nick714 IM BACK 😂😆😝

    Tee Ahhing

    @circa11011 ITS ALL LOVE 😂

Kyle Fultz

Hey packers management message me I want to come to that locker room Saturday and get them guys fired up dead serious I got something ready. Let’s go Pack


    What do you have planned?

    Kyle Fultz

    Heartfelt from a packer diehard

DDD Pheth



17:36 for Aaron Jones
28:32 for Aaron Rodgers

    Aaron Moes


Alice Wistrand

Aaron is mentally ready for post season. I marvel at his intellect on and off the field. Been a fan for 60+ yrs and never seen this mental toughness before. GPG!

    Albert Robinson

    Wow 60 yrs! 👏🏿
    What’ was the difference between Aaron And Farve from a mental aspect from your view?

    Guido Luzzi

    @Albert Robinson I don’t think Brett saw the big picture in games very often. Every down for him was do or die instead of being patient and taking what the defense gave him. Brett was incredible but always tried to win games himself. So many times in the playoffs of a tie game and he would attempt an awful throw that wasn’t necessary. I don’t think he panicked but sometimes his style of play looked like it. I think Aaron is much more disciplined, patient, better at figuring out what defenses are trying to do and overall more intelligent than Favre. No one will ever be as tough as Favre though. I could never understand why he thought it wasn’t his job to mentor Rodgers. It was immature. They’re on the same team. If Favre had to miss a game wouldn’t he want his team to win or at least have the best chance to? He was very selfish in that regard toward his other teammates. Favre was also very spiteful by wanting to go to the Vikings. That’s an awful quality to have and not a sign of insightfulness or intelligence. The Packers didn’t owe Favre a thing. He retired every year on them for 3 years in a row and then threw a fit about it when they finally decided to move on. If he didn’t attempt to retire he would have started for the Packers in 2008


    Something the pack has gotten right over the last 20 years has been creating America’s QB. I’m not even a packer fan but I enjoy watching Rodgers and Favre.

    Dave Clark

    Aaron only scored 10 points after 2 full weeks of rest, at home on the frozen tundra to a wildcard team from California!

Mega Man X

Go Packers!!

April Weber

AARON JONES proud of you to get over that hurdle! You healed. You have a great teacher!

Samuel Hines

I appreciate the work the GBP media does, but they seem to be having more technical faux pas lately.

pamela jackson

Yes packer’s is read to get the 49ers stay focus guys u got this ur at home give the fans a show a win Go, pack, Go

James Allen

I know Aaron can’t wait to play the 9ers at the Tundra…GO PACK GO!

James Allen

I’ll be watching 8000 miles away GO PACK GO 🏈🎉🎊

Kayla Parscale

Niners baby will be a game

Joseph Blomeister

Well if we can predict the outcome of Saturday’s game based on the intellectualism of the QBs…….

Ultimate opportunist


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