QB Aaron Rodgers press conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Neal Mummau



    gods work!

Spencer Mann

Love you 12

Carlos Ham

Packers fix your audio, every video is the same.

John Willard

Watching 🙂 fan since 65’ from Butte MT


thats a nice sweatshirt. lets go pack! finally a london game for green bay


12 has really embraced his role as a Packer and NFL player. He seems more congenial and not as full of himself as perhaps he’s shown before. That doesn’t mean he’s lacking any confidence. Glad he’s still a Packer! Now we have to beat the Giants.

Cody Campbell

About to blow out my speakers trying to hear this vid and accidentally switching before turning it down. C’mon Pack… Again I offer to intern for Packer YT.

Bob Kattner

Glad he’ll do “the belt”! GPG! 34-17.

Chas Cohorst

Show out proud Aaron, Packer Nation is behind you all the way!!!

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