Protest To Progress | Dallas Cowboys 2020 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Maddengameplay 2130

I’m first

    Louis Ramos


Ruth Martinez



Bruh stop arguing over who’s first on a video that’s very important to America and all over the world, I dont know how ya can act so immature smh

    Gabriel Wapala

    I know it’s annoying

Louis Ramos


Dee Jay

Dak leads the way: Million-Dollar Pledge. Cowboys lead the way: America’s Team. #huddle4goodl

lmao s

i’d like a statement from jerry also.

    Joshua Eason

    Jerry won’t speak to media again until camp starts probably. This is the statement from Jerry you’re gonna get. His team put this out. That’s how he sees it

Frank Bear

I see the Cowboys have caved as well.

    Shell Sharpe


    Derek Curry

    They sure did cave. What a terrible video. Everybody is trying to make some type of money on this

    Charles M

    Please make sure that new wall doesn’t cave. #Trump2020

    1non G

    @shell and ur not racist? 😄 🤣 😂

K Hayes


Derek Curry

I’m a Dallas cowboys fan but not a fan of this video. Started the video off like an angry woman.

    Derek Curry

    @Marc Felix yes. Nothing good comes from anger. Only love produces good

    Derek Curry

    @Tyree Rufus no I’m on the side of love. I have love in my heart

    Marc Felix

    Derek Curry I still don’t get your angle regarding anger/emotions and women.. are you completely oblivious to history in this country or are you literally born less than 20 yrs ago????

    Derek Curry

    @Marc Felix because women have a nurturing nature and you have to be emotional to be nurturing.

    colin helm

    @Marc Felix he is what people call “fucking moronic”.

Joneyboy 11

Love that vid wish y’all all luck
I’m going to miss you Byron Jones


This is from the shooting that took place three years ago with the DPD officers. Did y’all think no one would notice this? I’m a little disappointed this is repackaging.

Kinto Maximus

Good !! Can we do one for us Mexican Americans??I’ve been stereotype many times by white and black cops just bc I drove a nice truck ,they had a feeling I was transporting drugs .

    The List

    George Floyd’s death wasn’t a racial issue,IMO it was a dirty cop getting rid of evidence.
    •George Floyd and Derek Chauvin, the former police officer charged with killing Floyd, worked security at the same local club.

    •Floyd allegedly used a counterfeit bill to buy cigarettes at a convenience store.
    Maybe George Floyd knew something he wasnt suppose to know.
    Money laundering?🤔

Bobby Lenz

🤔This is one of many reasons why the Dallas Cowboys are America’s Team and will be Champions again 🏆

Pro Sports Outlook

Love this. This is special. Using the platform for the greater good! Keep the conversation going Cowboys! Pay Dak.

Gabriel Wapala

Preach it cowboys #freedomforblackpeople

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