Press Conference – Scott Turner – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Terron Johnson

Hopefully this Sunday the offense can get off to a fast start.

Raymond Jacquet


Mark Goodbred

Who’s in charge of sound quality??? Need to do better !

Brandon 2Tone Anderson

adjust your audio before you make another video, because your reporter is extremely loud and Scott Turner’s is extremely low so either turn up his microphone and cut your speakers back when you’re recording a video or get out of the video making business. Comprende’? thank you

G Fatty

Fix your sound ….I stopped listening

Tim Black

I’ll come run the sound mixer for free to keep my eardrums in tact from these WFT pressers

Jay Ess

RIP headphone listeners when a reporter asks a question…


Somebody playin a video game towards the end LOL


Tighten up Scott we need better play calling!

P.s.- Whoever is in charge of audio is a joke.

Diesel The Hog

Chris Russell and John Keim sitting in a tree. K I S S I N G FIRST COMES LOVE THEN COMES MARRIAGE. Then comes the baby in the baby carriage. Mute your mics dudes

Shawn HTTR

Go get AROB

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