Press Conference: Ron Rivera: January 3, 2021 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Press Conference: Ron Rivera: January 3, 2021

Washington Head Coach Ron Rivera addresses members of the media following the 20-13 win over the Philadelphia Eagles in the final regular season matchup of 2020 #WashingtonFootballTeam #NFL #Washington

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Mathew Wachter

We the underdogs

    Politically Correct Redskin

    Gee, ya think…


Can’t spell Washington without W

    Kyle H

    Or eagLes without that L

    Isaiah ::Powell

    @Kyle H or Dallas with 2 ls

    Dan Papp

    @Isaiah ::Powell Same with phiLadeLphia

    Isaiah ::Powell

    @Dan Papp facts I just had to throw Dallas in there

    Fork & Knife

    or football team without 2 Ls

Joshua Weiss

Now let’s go Buck-Up Tampa Bay next week!!

Avery Wellman


The Great Chain

Congratulations 🎊 Coach Rivera 🏈 I’m Kenny Cannabinoids ✌️🙋 Rock concert promoter and public investigator 🤔 Coach, I’m no expert but to beat the blitz 🏈 is not to scramble out of it ! you dump the ball either to a cutting back in the middle or in the flats ! O.L. needs improvement with the blitz

Victor Rivera

5:10 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀💀💀💀

202 DeSignated


    Texas Made

    Them boys hungry. They ready to eat.

    Michael White

    7 wins lol

LynnoRyan Benavente

Ron’s plan, Ron’s plan…. 2020 NFC East Champs… Hail Yeah!!! 👊👊👊

Peeta Koutsos

we did it!!!❤️💛

Lyes Drouctt

Thank you Coach. Do you know how long we been waiting for this man you are a Soldier hang in there lets go get Tampa Bay baby.and please let the dogs out.

Venus MOON



Coach of the Year.

    Michael White

    That’s not Kevin Stefanski, though?


    @Michael White Nope, he’s Ron Rivera


fully deserved, Coach. thanks for restoring the belief, and doing it with so many distractions

HPD Gaming


colin davis

The only things holding us back is a offense that needs some work and Dan snyder


    Dan doesn’t have control of the team so not really. Ron makes all football decisions. Ron: I informed me Snyder about my decision on Dwayne. Not asked. That confirms it. But offense definitely

    Samuel Hatley

    We are one QB and WR away from being a great football team. On defense we need a LB, and FS. Once we fill those holes it’s go time.

Kian Laing

Chase a lock for DROY, Smith a lock for CPOY and Coach R deserves COTY, what a season

chris scorpio

Alex Smith is a one legged statue who trips on his own shadow. He can’t physically do it anymore. Put in Hein-I-KEEE!!!

    Chachi Mogo

    Most of our wins came when Alex is playing on 1 leg! His presence and leadership is what inspires the team to perform better and that’s what gives us our best chance of winning football games.

    Timeless Bee

    Play a guy who’s played one 4th quarter to a game that was already over? 🤡

Markcus Vongphachanh

I got these guys upsetting the bucs

Chachi Mogo

The NFC East Champs need to instill fear into that old fart bag’s heart next week. Our D will make sure Brady the dinosaur feels the pain!


He said the eagles didn’t roll over??? The eagles handed Washington the division on a silver platter!

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