Press Conference – Ron Rivera – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Destiny Stuff

Please fix these audio issues. Reporters are too loud, coaches are too quiet. Happens every day, every video. It makes these very difficult to watch.

Atheism Kills

Ron: would you sniff Don Lemon’s Fingers? It’s a simple question.

Raymond Jacquet



Once again audio is abhorrent, way loud with reporters and Rivera’s volume is low. Please fix it is hard to watch

    Dominik Wilson

    this is live so I guess it’s harder. When they post them on the website it is much better audio.


    @Dominik Wilson This is Youtube not the website. Many thousands watch this. How hard can it be? You have 8 yr old kids doing better job at producing quality audio on here .

    Wild Coyote

    OnO I could be wrong but it is on zoom so it could be the fault of the reporters individuals microphones. Might not be something the Washington media can control

    Dominik Wilson

    @OnO kids are not making LIVE YouTube with people on 10 different computers. Maybe there is something they can do, but this is not video editing. YouTubers typically get the chance to edit the videos they post. They could just not do it live, and wait to post.the edited one from the website though. Would probably be more professional.

Sam Hilljr


Dominik Wilson

Coach looks a little rough today.

    Christopher Estep

    Fighting cancer (squamous cell in his case) will leave ANYONE feeling rough; I’ve done it thrice. (I just finished chemo for the third time – it’s anything BUT fun.) In my case, it’s colon, prostate (simultaneously), followed by liver. For the first two, it was chemo, followed by surgery, followed by radiation – for the liver cancer, it was surgery, followed by chemo (no radiation for that one, fortunately). I would not mind talking with Coach Rivera and sharing our experiences fighting cancer – since it IS something we have in common.

    Robert hughes

    Chemo is a b****

    Christopher Estep

    @Robert hughes – True; just finished round three Monday.



Robert hughes

W Skins?


HTRR!! Hail To Ron Rivera!

Chopshop2 M

Ron is a great coach!!!

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