Press Conference: Alex Smith | December 2, 2020 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Nathan Widman

love him <3

Alex Hoy

Our Lord and savior๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿˆ

Keith Payne

Back in black! Love me some Alex Smith. HTTWFT!!

Joe Hewitt

Alex maybe i’m wrong. But i feel like you’re going down in Pittsburgh.

    Victor Rosas

    No sirrrr Smith knows when to let go

Sean Carroll

Best QB in the division for sure.

Sam Hilljr


Louis Zeitler

I am a giants fan but i love Alex Smith. his story is incredible and i want nothing but the best from him. so glad he is back and healthy!


    Just as a human, his inspiration transcends through the whole nfl and fans of the nfl. Itโ€™s bigger then football essentially.

    Louis Zeitler

    @THE REAL L.C yeah frl I loved him as a player before he got injured and after his injury his return just made me like him even more

    Postit Randomly

    We appreciate that champ!


Alex Smith is the man.


I love Alex

Brandon Bielhy

Alex is that dude! He was measuring his words carefully when they asked him about the Steelers and Dwayne. Let’s get this on Monday!

Tommy Clutts

Who was the prick that thumbs down this video? Alex Smith is awesome HTTR

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