Prepping for Stout 49ers Defense | Packers Daily – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Prepping for Stout 49ers Defense | Packers Daily

Wayne Larrivee takes a look at Aaron Jones’ strong performance and the 49ers’ defense ahead of Sunday’s NFC Championship in this edition of Packers Daily.

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Billy Barrett

Let’s go greenbayyy💗💗💗


It will be a battle but thhe Packers will win this game. The 49ers are not taking the Pack seriously. Go Pack Go🧀🧀🧀🧀

Jovonte Mccroy

Go pack go

777d7777 777d7777

Let’s win the nfc championship game
Go Pack Go!!!!

eric sigersmith

The offensive line will help neutralize the match up better plus it’s a experienced vet like bulaga and even though they get the monster dee ford back I think bulaga will help the line even though veldreer was great last week

Eric S


Wayne Gouin

Hi. I think its all about the lines. The O line needs to give 33 some holes, create lanes. So that he can run! D line needs to stop it up. They both need to step up big time. Thats where the game is won or lost. If the lines getting beat, play calling is critical. Im just thinking about the last game at SF. I hope things are different this time. Even if our O line is getting beat, we can beat theres worse. We have the better qb. WE CAN WIN!!! GO PACKERS GO!!!

Geno Sciacca

Don’t make the same mistake like in the 2016 Fal vs Pack champ game where once they fell behind they fell apart mentally. Dropped interceptions, missed tackles, failed fumble recoveries, turnovers, gave up big plays. Don’t react but attack.

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