Prepare for Week 14 vs. Denver Broncos | Hy-Vee Chiefs Insider – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Hopefully they can open a can of whoopass and not play down to their opponents level of which they have a tendency to do. Time to get serious!

Tommy Sparks

We should be able to win this game, even though EVERY division game is a dogfight regardless of stats or record. They still have a great defense and we just can’t afford to squander this game by beating ourselves. In pretty sure Andy & Co have been preparing for Denver all year though and should be prepared🦾🦾🦾🦾💣💣💣 GO CHIEFS🥊🥊🪓🪓🪓🪓

Jennifer Best


Jeffrey Locke

If you add up all points the Chiefs have lost their games by it all together adds up to less than a touchdown and extra point.

James Rowell (Jamer)

Keep your foot on the gas for 4 quarters. Don’t let Denvers record fool you, that defense is elite.

    Nancy Ann

    Excellent advice!!!!

Matthew Lee

I would like to thank the production team for reading my comment last week and switching it up. As a fanatic of the Chiefs, I watch everything related. I love seeing new things and stories.

    Justin Mead

    Switched what??

    Matthew Lee

    @Justin Mead the content.


I’m here in Denver for my first pro game! Tomorrow I get to watch the chiefs beat the Denver donkeys!!! Get ready boys!!! GO CHIEFS!!!


    @Nicki M haha, will do.

    Rosco Sandoval

    See u at the game, hopefully!

    Kristopher Stockholm

    Any given Sunday

    Derek Hall

    Be very loud chiefs fans

    Rosco Sandoval

    Lots of Chiefs fans here in Denver. 👏🏽

Joyce Stewart

I sure do hope the Chiefs ride the Broncos like they did 200 years ago!

Joyce Stewart

How cool would it be if Mahomes and Holmes could play together just once!

    Erin Jordan

    That would be delightful. Totally would love it!

Thrones of Gaming

watching all the holding the bengals doing and no flags. SMH

    James Saville

    League has chosen them again smh

Connie Lowe

Put them bronco in the barn and close the door.

Terry Fat Bastard Colbert

Run run and hit the backs out of back field ! No problem ! Mix the backs up run run quick short pass play action !
Chiefs Kingdom Texas Chapter

Steven James

“Let’s Freaking Go”
(#15) Silky MVP


From here on out, the Chiefs need to be sharp.


I hope this will be on regular TV stations.

Justin Mead

10k bay, bay!!!

Ozark Ed

I love it when they mike up a guy who doesn’t talk.

papa travels

why reshow a game that was blown by a single fumble.

Blizzard Pup

Why doesn’t anyone talk about the fact that the Bengals stole their chant from the saints?


The stands are full of eager fans
Who say, we’re paid too much money!
But if they would put our suits on
They’d find football isn’t funny.

Twenty-two men and five referees
Chasing a pigskin, air filled ball.
Mashing and bashing all the way
Till the striped shirts whistle their call.

All the generals on the sideline
Are waging their athletic war.
And the letters in the words they use
Never amount to more than four.

There’s no substitute for winning
And no excuse for losing.
Though after games; when we can’t sleep
It’s because of all the bruising.

Kansas City Tom Zart
Most Published Poet On The Web
Tom’s 1, 650 Poems Are Free To Share!

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