Pregame Live: Cowboys vs. 49ers Wildcard Round| Dallas Cowboys 2021 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Joslynn B.

The Cowboys disappoint me today

    Smooth Operator

    Just today?

Donnie Collins

The cowboys beat themselves with all the penalties and dak throwing the enterception

    el gum


    Sean c

    @el gum terrible call

    el gum

    @Sean c what terrible call ?

    el gum

    @Sean c yes you’re right he’s a playoff coach and bowl game winning coach but prescott had like 10 open receivers open and needs to learn how to read the defense better

Juan Ornelas

Woulda been less embarrassing if he threw the damn Hail Mary 🤬🤬


I love dak but Jesus Christ bro every big game we losing and I must say u are not an elite qb for this team win a super bowl hope I’m wrong but I don’t think you’re the guy


    See what needs to happen is dak needs more money, sure hes making great starter QB money.

    But you need him making SB QB money and that starts around 60M a year

    John Giambastiani

    He ain’t!

    Joe Martinez

    Dak had 3 quarters to get it right and played hurry up in the 4th this is on dak as it is on the whole offense. They need to cut dak and zeke… Zeke only had 31 yards boy ain’t been the same since!

    Angel Rodriguez

    @Tae Rose u must be a secret cowboys fan lol


I feel so bad right now. It sucks to be a cowboys fan. Such a heart breaking loss. That being said I will look forward to next year. Congratulations San Francisco please go on to beat green bay. The team I hate and respect the most.

    Jason Borunda

    I saw cowgirls playing, not cowboys


    They gonna get that Brady home week. It’s set up for Rodgers vs Brady pt 2.

    Judy Dunlop

    I am so upset that I am starting to give up on my team… I am sick and tired of not being able to play with good teams – teams that are even inferior to us play their best and we lose – this is on Day and the coaches… sucks big time

    Jared Roberts

    You read and spoke my mind.

    Tech Titan

    I’m casual, and I feel bad for Cowboys fans. I personally thought they would go much further.

joe cool

We should be used this, but it gets harder when you have all the talent on this team and they still let everyone down!! Major disappointment!! Bad play calling, which has been going on all year,no run defense,no linebackers doing their jobs and Dak not showing he’s worth all those millions he held out for!!


    The oline SUCKS… what team are you watching? 14 penalties… There’s your answer

    joe cool

    @BloozeDaddy No blocking has been all year anyway, something that were used to which is why I didn’t mention it!!


    @joe cool “something we’re used to”…. Thats brilliant. We’re definitely getting used to our 16-million dollar RB averaging 2 yds a carry also. I guess we just need to “work around it”, huh?


Every time they play at home they lose!!! Micah looks like he was suffering after effects from covid.


This is not solely on the QB Start with the offense and defensive lines…then the coaches and especially the head coach.

    The Mancave of Style

    Exactly people think its easy for a QB to just throw the ball when you have 3-4 To even 5 Defensive players in your face EVERY SINGLE PLAY


    The game was lost on Dak’s interception – which was a horrible throw

Brian Swanson

If the Cowboys can stop taking penalties, they can win games. They need to work on discipline especially the defense.

    Julian C

    @Mister Obtuse gruden are you drunk. Hes terrible.

    JM Mtz

    This penalties problem have been since Jason Garret era ! And will not change with McCarthy ! believe me…


    No discipline


Dak was terrible today, but I can’t overlook the penalties, play calling & execution.

    Dapper Gents

    Patriots ran the ball to set up the pass bro
    Meaning you must be balanced that’s how they won all them Superbowls

    The Seattle Seahawks did the same thing
    Hell look at what the Titan’s do to teams
    With Derrick Henry running the ball hell you think they wouldn’t take DAk over Tanny Hill
    Can you even name any of their wide outs

    Give Dak San Francisco running and and you get a blowout

    Dapper Gents

    @Peen Head it doesn’t matter if your oline is garbage bro
    The man passed for 37 touchdowns and only 10 interception so it clearly wasn’t his fault
    He can’t overcome bad online play you don’t loose a all pro Center like Travis Fredrick was and just throw in Tyler B and expect the
    The oline to be physical at the point of attack
    Also Travis Fredrick made all the oline checks allowing him and the oline to be quicker off the ball now you have Dak making all the oline checks along with making sure the offence get into the correct play based on the def alignment

    Teams know cowboy’s are weak up the middle on both sides of the ball

    Why can’t delusional cowboys fans not see it did you learn nothing from the Arizona cardinals game what about wk 1 Tampa gm
    They couldn’t get a pus against big physical DTs nothing changed all season

    Peen Head

    @Dapper Gents You have to be balanced of course. And thats what the Cowboys were until they met a better 49ers team. The penalties are what really lost them the game. But if Dak played good they would have won he didnt. If he didnt throw that pick on their own 25 its a whole different ball game.

    TEXAS to VA

    @Dapper Gents Dak isn’t trash. He did have a dumpster of a day yesterday. Injected into all of this I agree Pollard was a back to do that with, why didn’t they run it more 🤷🏿 ask Kellen. Maybe that’s why Dak looked bad. I thought we would’ve had a stronger chance of winning using Pollard, Amri, Cee Dee & tightends but again where were those plays ask Kellen. I could go on but Kellen has been up & down (mostly down) in IMO. He doesn’t put the team in winning positions which falls back on Dak & company unfortunately. Penalties is another conversation, but at the end of the day the season is over. Keep McCarthy get a improved OC I’d consider McCarthy as well.


Sh*t team lose when going against a good team thanks for the win


This ain’t anyone’s fault, today just wasn’t there day. So many opportunities they missed.

Dell Jackson88

Explain to me earlier in the game when the referee stood over the ball we had the ball and allowed San Francisco to substitute which is fine he allows the play clock to run down to two seconds spots the ball and we have two seconds to snap the ball if you allow the other team to substitute the stop the 30 second clock

    Nicole Cromer

    See nobody is calling out what the refs done, they’re making excuses. I’m not saying we didn’t mess up with them calls but we wasn’t getting calls that were very visible


Tired of the heart break that comes with this team and its big name rosters throughout the past 3 decades we can’t cultivate wins against
Winning teams consistently. Indicating that the franchise has no definitive identity. We finally think we’re well rounded and here we are.I don’t even know anymore. I can say this that our vertical offense should be put to rest all these routes past 5yds are easy to scheme against verticals, posts, and the occasional slant becomes predictable. Need more drags, ins, crosses to much open in the middle of the field on film. Regardless back to the drawing board.

    Judy Dunlop

    I am so with you – it is soooo disheartening – I believe if I was at the game, I’d have been booing them… this is upsetting… we keep seeing progress during the early part of the season and always get disappointed at the end… we need a new QB perhaps as he just can’t seem to become elite… and the offence, the most amazing offence apparently still couldn’t do anything… I am just sooo tired of this… and now it is *oh wait for next year*… how many times have we heard that.. in the last 30 years… every year… and every year we are extremely disappointed… and upset. I say keep the defensive coordinator and get rid of Kellen as he is just too young to be effective and so on…

    Are Jay

    Cant win in this league with mentally weak teams! Read my other post. Cowboys since the 2000’s, always been loaded with talent, but very dumb! The amount of unnecessary penalties in this game and every game is astonishing! Not mentally strong enough, discipline enough to win when it really matters!

Daemon Valchenkov

Dak cannot progress through his reads at an “elite level “ qb speed. That, mixed with inconsistency in accuracy, and terribly timed play calling is why this has continued to happen and why Dallas can’t beat teams above .500. The entire identity of this offence is wrong because of daks skill set. Dak does not deserve what he has been paid , and had it not been for his injury and the sorrow of the fanbase, jerry would have never given him that amount , but he had to because it would have been detrimental to the franchise because of the story. This is an unfortunate set of circumstances and I love the cowboys but I promise all of you who know technically football , this team will not win anything with Dak

    scott harm

    Not only that, but if he faces the slightest bit of pressure, he gets the deer in the headlights look of a freshman QB in college

    Daemon Valchenkov

    @scott harm Yeah , also when he’s blitzed he can often times be successful only if the play call is correct and only if his first read wins often (which always happens bc cooper is insane and ceedee is getting close to equivalent talent wise) it’s sad to say but imagine what this team would be if they had burrow or stafford

    Steven Hill

    Imagine if Romo never got hurt that year

TNYNuKe Nuclear

Dak you only play good against soft teams, you stunk every time against good teams, fact !!!!

    David Garcia

    Yes that’s true but the offensive line also same thing

Jeffrey Milby

On another note, I remember when Dak tweeted or whatever it was that he said that he was threw with Romo, well that is what a lot of what we’re feeling because for 30 plus million a season you’d better go farther than the 1st round and have more than 7 yard of offense for the 1st quarter, granted the play calling is suspect, but you have the ability to audible, and should be able to recognize certain defensive formations, its football, not nuclear engineering.

Danny Ledesma

It is what it is. And that’s excuses after every loss they experienced this season. A early exit in the playoffs not okay especially for a die hard fan. Dak can’t do it all he’s no Superman. The Niners defense dominated the Cowboys offensive line. Guard and Center need to be addressed this off season!

Vvs- Lex

Everyone’s blaming dak but the o line was getting bullied all game 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️ but y’all won’t talk about that

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