Postgame locker room celebration | Lions vs. Jets – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Lets go!!! Not the cleanest game but a win is a win! 💪🦁💙

Steve Goodrich

Man I’m so proud. Watched every game of the 0-16 season and now look at us.

    Steve C

    Theyre .500

    Stephen Stafford

    I’ve been a Lions fan since I was 4 or 5 years old and I’m HELLA proud of what this team has accomplished so far……we’re not there yet but we’re a helluva lot better than we were and I’m REALLY REALLY enjoying the ride. Even if we don’t make the playoffs,(I think we will) but if not this season gives me hope for the future for the team. ONE PRIDE!!!!!!!

    OneTime Gregory

    Same here, bruh man!

    Levi Rooney

    @mswizzle yessirrr same here


    @Sunnydftwwhat are you talking about disappointing? We had 3/4 winning seasons and 2 playoff births. And one of those losses in the playoffs was from botched calls. But you feel just like the organization felt; we’re winning but it’s not exciting enough for me. Even though we we’re coming from 0-16 and Caldwell not having backing by his GM in his last year cuz he was trying to get his buddy Patricia in with a already solid team.


I love what Lif said. It’s “us.” This is what a team truly is. Huge victory to keep us alive and we have over 6 wins since Caldwell.

    j c

    @Billy Idol the db coach

    j c

    @Queue our secondary isnt on track

    Gary Rucker

    We’re still not up to par DB but definitely better than where they have been. Getting better ❤to see it keep grinding Lions


    @j c uh being better than before doesn’t mean you’re in the right place lol but we were giving up 32 ppg in the first 7 games of the season, now only giving up 19ppg in the last 7. Our secondary still had some lapses that lead to huge gains but all in all they’re still much improved from the beginning of the season and giving the line a bit more time to get to the QB.


    @Gary Rucker exactly

Steve DeJong

A win is a win is a win! Love the quote from Raymond this is not “I” it is US!
Let’s go Lions!!!


Finally won one of these close games. And on the road. Coach was 💯 on point


I don’t care that these guys haven’t won a Super Bowl yet. They are champions in my heart

    Jerry Thomas

    That’s precious

RJ & Cupid 🇨🇦

Kalif Raymond is so likeable. You can tell his teammates respect him a ton. He was undrafted and a practice squad member for two separate teams in 2018 and look how far he has come. My friends went from mocking me since the 90’s for being a Lions fan to texting me to talk about the Lions. People are talking about Goff and the boys on every sports talk show. My how things have changed. I think this year’s team resonates with people because they embody never giving up in life as things can always turn around. Even if you’re 1-6 in life, tomorrow is a new day.

    RJ & Cupid 🇨🇦

    @Mr.BigChug 🙂

    Jennifer Edwards

    Amen amen! Love my Lions!

    RJ & Cupid 🇨🇦

    @Jennifer Edwards Amen! Woooo!

    William Spencer

    Kalif is my nephew/Godson and he always had a mellow side until he gets on the football field at game time, then lookout, the Lion 🦁 ( see what I did there) I’m him starts to come out. In high-school, when he was on defense, he would throw his whole body into a tackle. He is fearless on the field.

    RJ & Cupid 🇨🇦

    @William Spencer Thanks for the comment! He seems like a very good person, you should be very proud. Happy Holidays!


Every single week, someone different rises to the occasion and makes a huge play. It’s so amazing to see this team come together, truly as a team. Keep it up, men.

    Miss Carp

    That is what is magic – every week a new name. We will hear the names throughout the season but so many hands are making a difference. Lions aren’t leaning on one or two for the big plays; they are leaning on everyone.

Haleem Hassan

I’m so proud of those guys man.. they deserve it 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾

Grey Ford

This…. has been a successful season already. If it were to blow up and these last 3 games dont go as hoped its still amazing the accomplishments and strides of this team. But I’ve been a Lions fan a looong time, these men are inspired with a burning spirit inside. Let’s be out there and cheering these guys on, they deserve it. Their will is our Fandom


    Imagine the amazing post game locker rooms with Matt Patricia we all didn’t get to see 🤣

    Robert Brown

    100% on this. Support these guys even when they screw up. They’re young, hungry and punching over their weight.

    Aaron Dough

    @Ryan that is honestly the best joke I’ve ever heard. Lol


Have to say i was on the edge of my seat the hole game.usually it turns into a loss but this was different and you can see it.congrats fellas. GO LIONS.

Gino Muzzalupo

Ill say it again; this team. The Lions never used to win games like this, ever. They would be winning the game all 3/4 quarters and end up losing. This team never stops fighting. Dan Campbell has instilled a brand new life into this program and players have bought 100 percent of the stock that he’s selling. Winning is not easy in this league, yet the Lions keep finding ways to do it. One Pride, Go Lions!

Robert Brown

Just enjoy the ride, guys. The team is ahead of schedule. They’re growing before our eyes, but they still have the opportunity – and need – to improve. Expectations are going to be raised, but no matter what happens from here, this team has earned our respect.

Ryan Nurmi

Dan Campbell is good at giving his players perspective. He knows that wasn’t a clean game, but he also knows it’s important to cherish the wins you earn. Gotta maintain that balance

Neil Jones

The maturity and professionalism from everyone. Like a locker room full of leaders.

    RJ & Cupid 🇨🇦

    Very true.

    Vincent Price

    They’ve been humbled and crafted in the trenches of HEAVY loses..It builds character

Leonardo DeCrapprio

I’m a lifelong Vikings fan from MN but DAMN… I love watching the Lions tear it up! America is rooting for ya!

    Shark Beatz

    Thanks man…Great win this week. Crazy comeback and North champions! Hope to see you in the playoffs

    Dean Osborn

    Mega props to you and your team for coming back from being down at the half.

    M K

    Hope you guys aren’t a first round exit assuming you don’t play us lol. But you guys deserve success too. And I hope you fire that D coordinator


    As a Rams fan I approve this message GO LIONS!!

Capt. Badger

Even as a Ravens fan I’m excited to watch you guys play every week. Got the Panthers and Bears coming up and you can guys can win both of those games. Last game is in Lambeau which is your biggest challenge but if there was anyway to cap off a season like this it’d be by winning that game to get into the playoffs. I’m rooting for y’all all the way!!!

    Zach McMillen

    Much respect for knowing all that and not being a lions fan!

    Levi Rooney

    As a lions fan in Wisconsin I’m obligated to go to that game!! I’ve only been to one packers lions game there and the lions won in a blowout, maybe I’m good luck 😏


First words out Kalif’s mouth, “…it’s ‘us’,” This man is a baller, a fighter, for real. They play like a family, for each other and for us fans…the money I’m sure is great but the bonds will be with them for the rest of their lives no matter where their careers may take them. While they’re here, we the fans. DO. APPRECIATE. YOU. #OnePride 🦁


Jets fan here. I always root for the Lions when I can. Love seeing them having the successes they’re striving toward. Good luck the rest of the season would love to catch you guys in a Super Bowl one day!

    Mary Risher

    When your opponent roots for your future, it’s a humbling gift. Something deeper than winning is going on here. It’s so moving to see our team stand strong as a unit. Go Lions!!!

    Gary Rentschler

    The way your team plays D…you just need a cpl more offensive pieces. I can definitely see these 2 teams in that arena in 2-3 yrs.


    @Gary Rentschler absolutely! Can’t wait! Also I have always liked Goff glad to see he is getting a second chance to shine.

    Donnavon ONeal

    @ Fairseas…thank you…now go out and win the rest of your games, especially the Seattle game so we both can get into the playoffs.


These fricking post game locker room celebrations are really addictive. Don’t let this ride end. 10-7 ride it into Post Season. We gotta do it!

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