Postgame LIVE: Cowboys GameNight – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Raoul Duke

At least they’re starting December with a win. Now let’s hope they don’t fall off like usual.

    jason eades

    Maybe now it’s let down Nov instead of December

    Dana Jett

    Who’s your team hater

    Raoul Duke

    @Dana Jett how’s telling the truth hating? Dallas is 49-53 in the month of December since 1996. If you were a real fan you’d know that.

John West

How bout them cowboys!!

Phyrom Huy

Dak is missing A LOT of throws! Cant be the recievers unless all of them are messing up their routes.
Why cant they run the ball all of the sudden?
2 offensive TDs against 12th rank defense.
Need to impose our will to run the ball regardless if Saints are 3rd rank run D. Cowboys are paying 3 offensive linemen premium $$$ .

    randy noel

    I hope they play pollard more or start him zeke isn’t himself. He needs a few weeks off we play
    Wash, ny, wash. He could take 3 weeks off or very limited carries

    Dana Jett

    Who won the game (BOY)

Christopher Ruffin

You can tell DAN QUINN love every minute of being with Dallas 💪🏽

South Texas

Big win, maybe an ugly, defensive win. Defense came through big. Kellens play calling has regressed. No pre-snap motion, no jumbo lineman at fullback, no Pollard and Zeke together . Totally different scheme than in the 6-1 start

    Sam Boughter

    They should have sat zeke. He needs to rest the knee. Kellen has been lacking the last couple games

    Shane Giacobbe23

    @Sam Boughter Well now Zeke has like 9 days of rest that will be good for him.

    Rodney Booker

    I agree totally, I wonder if Kellen is over thinking, or calling too many pass oriented plays…

daniel sweeten

When Carlos Watkins scored that pick six all I could hear in my head was Jon Madden “ I love when a fat guy scores because you get a fat guy dance look at him” lmao 🤣 Miss him calling games 😇

daniel sweeten

Kellen Moore has lost his luster, I’m not sure he is going to be such a sure fire head coach next season. I wish he was because I would love to see McCarthy take over the play calling duties and do what he is good at.

    Jerome Golden

    It’s big game time now he goes into his Jason Garrett play calling book u can’t call scared plays

jason eades

All these super stars and we struggle to get W? Get it together

William Vandyke

Well Nate, the Boys gave y’all something to talk about. Wish the o-line would give Dak a little more time and the D-line is finally getting back together and looking much improved. Can’t wait for Gregory, I want blood!

Frankie Villa

So happy I was actually right about someone and got Micah parsons jersey before week 1🤣

Aaron Aguilar

They are the Best!

Eduardo Rodriguez

Jerry calling Mike : aye yo Mike , no need to come in Monday morning


Zeke never ducks, never makes excuses. Love the guy.

Will Stepney

I wish people stop praising Kellon Moore he’s no way near being a head coach he just calling some good play’s and the offense just running it right but he still have a lot to learn he need to learn the situation he’s forgetting about the run.You still have to run it to take time off the clock keep defense honest Go COWBOYS

    Rodney Booker

    I agree with you!!!! your the smartest person so far, thanks for calling out this topic, Kellen hasn’t proven to me that he has what Coach Mike brings to the table….Experience!

Jason DOE

With Zekes load he’s had a break for 5 weeks

Quentin Cornett

Great win any way #32 can replace Zeke until the playoffs?

MR. 420

With that beard and jolliness, Zeke be lookin’ like a young 🎅!

Janet Sullivan

Michael Pollard is a very humble intelligent young man praise God 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤❤❤


We need that first round bye!

Cranston Coleman

The defense played they’re asses off and they deserve the credit for this one. With us traveling to Washington DC next week and them winning again for the the 3rd or 4th straight time, we have better put our best offensive and defensive effort’s together for next Sunday’s game against Washington. They won against the raiders and we lost to the raiders. I think I am going to pick the Washington football team to win next week. I just don’t know if our offense will get the job done on the road against the former Redskins team. I usually pick the cowboys to win but I don’t know since we have looked so bad in our last 5 games. The west of the AFC showed us our weaknesses and we need to get them fixed for the next 5 weeks

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