Post Game Media Availability – Green Bay Packers vs. Miami Dolphins – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

When will the cycle break of disappointment.

Rob A

the McDaniel comedy show is over for me….A pass that should been challenge wasn’t. Abandoning the run and when you do run you have Hill,Waddle & Sherfield on the sidelines so they know a run play is coming…And what the hell was Tua thinking of?????those interceptions were easy caught passes….

    Andrew Jones

    Not sure if you were at game or not? But everyone watching on tv 📺 in real time actually thought it was a catch. It wasn’t until the tv official showed the replay and the bobble was noticed. By that time. Green Bay had already taken another snap.

    Rob A

    @Andrew Jones I was not there at the game and my first notice of a possible incomplete pass was with the rest of America. Coaches upstairs have immediate access to replay and there was plenty of time to get this call reviewed/reversed.

    Andrew Jones

    @Rob A agreed


    Dolphins are trash


    Come on! Have some faith! Stay loyal

Fish Pimp

losing timeouts is costly…you know what else is? not challenging a bad call that should be overturned

    Al Kaline

    Yuup and that was a big play too, totally on the coaching staff there

Tony Risi

The whole stadium saw the ball come loose on the jumbotron.

Solomon Carroll

We don’t play hard we don’t even try it’s like we give up and I blame everybody for not doing a job all these other teams they come and they ready to play they play hard we don’t play hard we play soft tell me that coach


    Niners we’re ready to play.. after that dolphins folded for the rest of the season


Early on Greenbay was playing desperate, could have went up by 3 scores.

    K B

    The penalties were awful

Kit Mateyawa

The only chance for playoffs now is to win the last two games.

    Bobby Keene

    If we beat the pats and the Jets lose to the Seahawks we clinch in that scenario too

Nick Nguyen

Why are we not running more? Why are we not using Mike G more?

    Colm O'Driscoll

    Because coach Mike McD love to over scheme things.

Nick Mountoulias

It was over after that ridiculous onside kick call

Jess Belmonte

I get that McDaniels created a 700 play tape to boost Tuas confidence, but if he’s still talking about Tua allowing to let things snowball because he had the 1st, then the 2nd, etc interception on his mind, then I don’t think it’s more practice he needs, it sounds like a therapist. I love Tua and am glad he got his chance after so many injuries but if he can’t move on quickly from throwing an interception because he gets down on himself, this will always be an issue. Allen and mahomes have thrown plenty of interceptions this year, including yesterday, but they still pull out wins cause they can move on from it fast.

    David Belvin

    What the hell was that !!! TUA is a bum!!! I would have bench him, who idea was that to give Aaron Rodgers a short field after you just scored a Touchdown WTF !!!!! IM DONE!!!! BEEN A FAN SINCE 1967 IM DONE WTF!!! OUT.

    Ken Kline

    @David Belvin bye


    Tua definitely has mental issues, mistakes linger in his mind,


I am sick. Everyone involved is to blame. Tua is so fragile, the play calling is predictable, no running game when you need it. Defense needs to be overhauled starting with Boyer. More holes on in the D then a piece of swiss cheese. No pass rush. All this was a home game on Christmas with the playoffs in the balance. Garbage!


WTH? McDaniels thinks the biggest problem out there was controllable penalties?!! Man, that’s pathetic. First and foremost, NOBODY wins in the NFL on 4 turnovers. And nobody wins when the QB fumbles as often as Tua does (yeah, both of his fumbles today were recovered, but his ball protection is atrocious). Another terrible run defense and McDaniel once again fails to make it a priority to run the ball. Again, another huge special teams play given up. Can’t do that week in and week out, it’s like an extra turnover and then some. At some point McDaniels needs to figure out how to balance the passing playbook to get more balls to TE and RBs. Mostert has gamebreaking speed and you can’t figure out how to isolate him on a wheel route one-on-one against an LB? That’s on McDaniel.

    Jimmy Warden

    Can’t argue with this . I still believe in Tua and McDaniel.


    Right on.

Bill Barone

This is what happens when you have a team that believes in moral victories….no such thing!!!!



50th State Fins Fan

As a lifelong Dolphins fanatic I got ahead of myself when they were at 8-3 and my expectations were getting higher for this team now I’m actually seeing what I originally expected a 9-8 record missing the playoffs and hopes for a better and brighter 2023’s so frustrating and painful when you begin to expect higher aspirations and it never comes to fruition.Moving forward
I still have hope for a dominant team in my lifetime go Dolphins.




    Totally Agree 50th State Fins Fan. I predicted the Dolphins would go 9-6-2, losing to the usual suspects, winning versus below the .500 teams. But expected the run game to be the stronger point. Nor did I expect this defense to take 50 steps back, as opposed to just one step back. I would not be so frustrated, if the season played out, like I predicted, slow & methodical run game. However, who would have expected this offense to, at one point, be so electric, & especially with wins over the Ravens & the Bills. They set the bar high, now, can’t live up to it. & half of those mistakes are fixable this year.

    O Thomas Johnson

    Me too a 51 year fan. I don’t why expected anything but

    50th State Fins Fan

    @O Thomas Johnson
    Me too since the 1971 season Super Bowl VI
    Thanks bro 👍🏽

    50th State Fins Fan

    I agree 100% Grandizer12 up until this year the defense was the strength of this football team and have seen it’s dominance in short spurts and yes we do have some injuries but to regress like that has puzzled me at times non the less we both will be Fins fans for life.
    Thanks for the great comments
    Mahalo’s from Hilo,HI 🤙🏽

Edward Castillo

Just another mediocre season nothing has changed for the dolphins since Marino I’m tired of this team always coming up short start holding people accountable this could easily be the best offense in football and you’re blowing it.

Zo Vegas 75

1) Need new defensive Coordinator 2) Better balance… RUN the ball 3) Faster playcalling 4) QB needs check down more often, stop forcing throws. 5) Better Team Funamentals 6) All this being said, I still believe in the potential of this team, the head coach, and the front office. I BELIEVE!!!


    Sounds like the dolphins are still rebuilding…

    Jimmy Warden

    Very true statement. 👍


    7) New QB

    Wicked Lester


    David Anderson

    We need a new QB.

Larry Meyer

I have been a fan for over 50 plus years!!!! This was a winnable game!!!!! This Dolphin team is very capable of winning several of these games we lost!!!! This game hurt very much as a long time fan!! Please clean up all those Mistakes Penalties, Inerceptions!!!! I know you can win your last two games of the year!! I know The Dolphins have a good team and can do a lot better then this!!!!!


    Just need a new QB and we are a good playoff team


This coach fell in love with the Ferrari and Lamborghini in Waddle and Hill and completely ignores the Hondas and Toyotas in Cedric Wilson, Trent Sherrfield, Mike Geszki, running backs.


They gotta get some momentum going into the playoffs or else they are screwed


SOOO heartbroken .. this was our year !! so sad

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