Position Review: Running Backs | 2 Minute Drill – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Leif Rideout








Benson the Browns fan

First I love the browns get Richard Sherman

    ET Phone Home

    Rather have jj watt

    lil pitt

    @ET Phone Home why not both they have cap space

    ET Phone Home

    @lil pitt we still gotta pay Denzel ward and baker. It’s one or the other

Tammy Merck

As a UGA fan I have been aware of Chubb’s greatness for a while. So happy for his success with the browns.

    ET Phone Home

    He wasnt this good at Georgia..not as fast..otherwise he would have been a top 10 pick

Wall O' Brix

Go Browns!

Glass Pencil

Review summary:
We’re good.

ET Phone Home

Coach of the year stefanski didn’t give one touch of the football to Kareem hunt against the chiefs in the first half. Not one.

There’s your summary of what’s really going on…

    ET Phone Home

    @theGod black bro. We 100% should have beaten the chiefs and you know we would have clobbered buffalo.

    How do you not give Kareem hunt 1 touch against his former team in a whole half in the biggest game of his life. He would have run all over the place. Still bothers me..I bleed orange and brown. 216 till I die man!!!!

    Ramirez Über Alles

    I’m happy for our success don’t get me wrong. I just hope AVP calls the plays from now on.

    ET Phone Home

    @Ramirez Über Alles people don’t wanna hear this but AVP 100% wins that game

    theGod black

    @ET Phone Home #BigFacts
    Hopefully this year with an off-season we find better formations to run out of as well. We have quite a few that takes too much time pulling lineman & blocker from one side to the other & get blown up. We really should be running a three headed monster. D’earnest is a change of pace rb with good vision

    theGod black

    @Ramirez Über Alles Peace to you. Ha!! We are in agreement there! Big difference between the Shitzburg game vs the Cheifs

ET Phone Home

And go out and sign J.J. watt. Him and Myles would be serious….enough screwing around. We need a legit big time pass rusher

jay be easy

Sign that man ASAP !!!

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