Pittsburgh Steelers Sign QB Dwayne Haskins – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Damn let’s see how this plays out

    Markku Aaltonen

    I hope that he is good


Good for him, now he needs to realize this is probably his last chance to prove that he belongs in this league he better not mess it up!

    kennan evans

    @Violent Rich Socialist the right color 😂


    or he just found another strip club in pitt and wants to try it out

    Rohan Doddamane

    bro you are correct this is his last chance man his career is on the line with pittsburgh


    @Violent Rich Socialist There’s always a person that has to bring in colors. Darnold seems like a great player, bet he had the worst coach coaching him.

King Shaun32

First thing dwayne’s gonna do when he gets signed is search up the nearest strip clubs

    DUCK KallShan

    @Dale Winston King Shaun is a washington fan (we all hate em but we do believe he can succeed in this league).

    purple tea

    why’re you preying on his downfall. joke or not cmon now. he made a mistake and he has another chance he most definitely changed his ways. he has to or he’d be playing himself

    Flex adventure

    The harden of the nfl lmao

    DUCK KallShan

    @purple tea Never said I didn’t want the dude to fail, just said we as Washington fans don’t like him cuz he didn’t preform up to his expectations, but we hope he can succeed

    TB RC

    @Mercury beat me to it damnit 🤣🤣

Aaron Lam

Good luck to him, hope he doesn’t mess up this time. This is one of his last chances, because of what he did in Washington


I hope Haskins will make the most of his second chance. I feel like the Steelers are a good fit. And, if he has not changed, they can just cut him.

    MadDog M

    I agree


    @MadDog M same


I really hope he’ll use that waive as motivation to improve his game. He’s young and has an upside. Don’t waste your opportunities

Chapman Peugh

Yayyy another big ego on the Steelers. Just what they need.

Mr. Smith

Dwayne “Where Da Strip Clubs at?” Haskins

    Snapback Revolt

    you’d be going there too if you had money

    Mr. Smith

    @Snapback Revolt hell naw not with my wife lol

    Snapback Revolt

    @Mr. Smith no if you were making nfl money you would be there. Wife or not.

    Mr. Smith

    @Snapback Revolt im not savage man i got morals im more like Rivers or Brees

Dennis Luts

Mason Rudolph be like: So my head is never gonna be banged again?

    AngusArt Entertainment

    Maybe he’ll be safe from helmet kabongs for a while.

    Brandon Kilpatrick

    Alot of helmets gonna go flying if Haskins gets the job over mason

scott carter

Captain Mind F*ck: Leader of Children.


“Tonight on Days of our Steelers”

    Bold Paul


    a sad Falcons Fan


    Mighty Mad

    Seriously, man – UTree gonna have an egregious field day with that one.

    Michael Smith


    Aaron West

    Lmao Dwayne Asskins


Any true Steelers fan will know that Big Ben was basically like this kid when he was young, the only thing he was so good Pittsburgh didn’t say anything. Tomlin is the right man to mentor him

    Dc Pettis

    @Jake U.S. which r u saying is worse

    Dominic Fevrier Mcpherson

    @Alex Salerno steelers develop alot of players. They draft well especially at wide receiver.

    Prince Jamal

    @Alex Salerno how is someone overrated when he has never had a bad season?

    Jake U.S.

    @Dc Pettis the guy was comparing Haskins to Big Ben in his early years, but Big Ben didn’t go to strip clubs he beat dogs😂 obviously beating dogs is worse lmfaoo


    @Jake U.S. Bruh you think no player in the league goes to strip clubs? Bruh their is video of Steph Curry in a strip club during the season watching a chick down multiple shots. I mean they caught Daniel Jones at a club when the club was supposed to be closed taking shots when he lost to Pittsburgh. Washington just needed a reason to scape goat Haskins to move on from his contract.

Wesley Brown

That was Haskins problem the whole time “the agent” 🤣🤣🤣

Karl Stewart

” yo Dwayne u see ben throw in to double and triple coverage”
Dwayne- “yea”
Coach – “don’t do that dumb ish “

Chesscom Support

On the bright side, Juju is no longer the most clowned-on person on the team.


    Juju leaving

Austin Kirika

They really signed a water boy, Haskins better start mixing that Gatorade

Griff on Sports

Steelers: sign dwaye haskins Steelers seconds later: WHAT HAVE I DONE

John Chase

Dwayne: “hey, Ben where the strip club at?
Ben: “Stay out of the bathrooms”


It’ll be the most Washington thing ever if this kid somehow goes on to have a good career.


Pittsburgh: *Needs to create a better locker room environment*

Also Pittsburgh:

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