Pete Carroll 2020 Training Camp August 26th Mock Game Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Pete Carroll 2020 Training Camp August 26th Mock Game Press Conference

Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll speaks to the media after the Seahawks' second mock game at CenturyLink Field during 2020 Training Camp.

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Zak Attack

Jamal really cut his finger πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


    While cutting some strawberries πŸ“ πŸ˜‚

Clorox Bleach




petelo helsham

Can we expect more of John Ursua?


    Oh yeah! He’s gonna be a nice weapon. Teams can’t sleep on any of our wrs



James Madison

Just hard work.


Gotta love Pete.
Pocic sucks tho.

Brian Kirchgatter

I got volume all the way up and can barely hear Pete…..cant hear the questions either. Its 2020, can we get this fixed please? Thanks.

    Danny Ngo

    He sounds fine on my phone. He is taking pretty softly but it’s still good


    I was having issues hearing, too.

    Tony R.

    I have to have my Bose bluetoothed to hear.


I like the idea of bringing Justin Brit back on a vet deal.


    There’s a reason why no team in the NFL has signed him.


    @RGBLK I think we should ask Russell. I don’t see a lot of teams getting excited about what we have at center now.

mike hike

Hands down the best coach in the league!

Dean Agnor

Maybe Carroll should speak about the danger of resisting arrest and despising authority….and actually save some lives. Blind as a headless bat.


    I’ve seen a lot of videos of white guys doing the same thing and different outcome for sure, they could have used a taser

    Dean Agnor

    @speaklife7 The fact is, Ive seen white guys doing this with the same outcome, not a peep from our race bait cult media.

    Tony R.

    @speaklife7 Had he been white and the exact same circumstances took place, yt would have been shot too.

    Dont be willfully ignorant, or just plain stupid.

Robert Smith

So god damn ready for football.


Couldnt find a whiter white guy to speak about that topic….Γ‘nd Γ‘ fellow white dude, I sủre hope β€œthey” figure out its NO ok to kill ANYBODY before folks take matters into their own hands…which would NOT be good for anyone either.
GoHawks…..and GODBLESS THE USA!!!πŸ˜πŸ‘

Tony R.

The dudes girlfriend called the cops on him, AND he had knife while ignoring orders.

    John&Maria Tucker

    I bet whoever wins superbowl this year will have an asterisk next to their name…
    *protest season. Cheapens the accomplishment is what im saying. πŸ˜₯


hate the stupid political questions, stick to football. everyone is sick of hearing about riots.

Graduated Money

Can we please start getting time stamps

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