Paul DePodesta Conference Call – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Amber Davis


Dan M

At least they fixed the uniforms. Now maybe we can win a game before we’re all dead.

    James Brown

    Yes Please.

    Brown n Orange

    Agreed 100%


    “A game”…Melodramatic much?

Jarad Phillips

Why is he still around

    Warren Ash

    @Philip M No, even Haslem had enough of that fiasco!

    Philip M

    @Warren Ash Maybe, but Haslam voted for Freddie to be coach and paul didn’t.

    Warren Ash

    @Philip M Then who made the decision to pull the trigger on getting rid of Kitchens and Dorsey? The Haslems. Just something to ponder: I don’t believe that you will be hearing much from Mr. Haslem anymore. Dee Haslem has the experience and know-how in her life to run the team. She made the decisions on the uniforms. I think she is now the brains behind the scenes that her husband didn’t have.

    Philip M

    ​@Warren Ash What I’m saying is that Paul voting against Freddie laid the foundation for moving on a year later. Most people now realize that the Haslams had to choose between Dorsey and Depodesta, and they chose Depodesta. Hence why they ended up with Stefanski, like Depo wanted originally.

    My guess is the Haslams are done trying to meddle with the team management and the draft. The have hired the right people and now are going to let those people do their jobs.

    Warren Ash

    @Philip M I agree

Phil Golly G.

Very good interview.

Dmayro Beard

Tell Em Paul… “Shut Up” Were not trading OBJ we going all in. It’s our time 2 shine. Just Face It.. It’s been a long time coming. But we are finally here #DawgCheck #DawgsGottaEat

James Brown

I’d love to hear it from OBJ, love the talent. 2015-16 a top 10, yes. But, A team player must be a priority. That’s how the Browns will win.

    Warren Ash

    ANd what has OBJ done since he came to Cleveland that he is not a team player? Don’t say OTAs because they are not mandatory. If your boss wanted you to come to work for a week or so, for free, and without no repercussions if you didn’t, would you go?????? I don’t think so.

    Dustin Murphy

    He has said it many times lol over and over again when asked and also on his own when he wasn’t asked. Yet somehow Collin Cow nerd is who ppl choose to believe lol the guy who proclaims he hates Cleveland openly

James Brown

Can’t wait for the draft and our strategy.

James Brown

Offense first, we needed OL guys, nice moves.

andrew biviano

good god MKC is the worst

Nathan Forde

Tony grossi literally asked the same question word for word 2 days ago to Andrew berry.

Dean Bowditch

I thought Grossi got fired !!!

Jimbo Ritner

Grossi is the worst

Jah Muzak

OBJ probably leaked that story it seems like he’s that type ijs

    Dustin Murphy

    Jah Muzak wrong. He loves it in Cleveland why would he do that? Look at facts not what idiot sports writers say who hate Cleveland. This Offense is loaded. His best friend is here. He bought a house here.

Jah Muzak

Best player available “yes”

Smart Guy

Most important thing he said was you cannot go into draft thinking you ‘re gonna to solve this year’s problems. MESSAGE TO BROWNS FANS DRAFTING A LT AT 10 ISN’T GUARANTEED TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM THIS YEAR. Sounds like we taking BPA which is a great strategy it’s not important we find a LT at 10 it’s important we get pro bowler no matter the position

    Dustin Murphy

    Smart Guy I disagree. At #10 you better pick a player who can come in and play from day one and be very good at their job. Maybe not on day 2 or day 3 but in the first couple rounds you need to draft players who can contribute very quickly. Definitely at #10. There are day 1 left tackles they need to draft one. But they will so it’s all good

    Smart Guy

    @Dustin Murphy that’s what I’m saying everyone thinks if we draft a tackle at 10 he’s gonna be better Joe Thomas that might not be the case when we could get a guy that’s never even played LT before. I said at 10 you gotta get a player that can contribute and it doesn’t have to be tackle. You repeated what I said

Smart Guy

Paul sounds really impressive. He said just because a player is drafted high and has a lot of talent doesn’t mean he’s automatically gone fill your need and be flawless. It also sets unfair expectations for the player. That’s a great point over the years the Browns have put a lot of pressure on rookies and we’ve also given up on them to fast. By the time they are in year 5 or 6 we’ve already let them go to ball out somewhere else. I really love what Paul is saying sounds he’s learned a lot these 4 years

Dustin Murphy

It Baffles me that nobody watches this channel. I’m so glad you give us awesome content regularly. Thank you very much for that. Specially in these crazy times. God bless all of you involved from the regulars, the guests and those behind the scenes as well as all of your families! Thank you!!

Dustin Murphy

It Baffles me that nobody watches this channel. I’m so glad you give us awesome content regularly. Thank you very much for that. Specially in these crazy times. God bless all of you involved from the regulars, the guests and those behind the scenes as well as all of your families! Thank you!!

Dustin Murphy

Love Paul DePodesta. So glad he is part of our organization. To those fans or pundits/writers who still complain about “moneyball” clearly you have no clue just how valuable this man is and or would be for any organization. Be it sports of any kind of really any business. His value is priceless and the fact that the Halem family has retained him through a couple of different front office groups shows me how smart and business savvy they are as well. To any and all who complain about the Haslems as well you are clueless. They have proven to be willing to do anything and everything to bring a winning culture and club to Cleveland and I honestly don’t know what more you could want than that?

Dustin Murphy

Grossi always trying to get DePo to undermine AB and vice versa.

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