Patrick Queen’s Year 2 Maturation Is a Big Deal | Ravens Final Drive – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

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John Henry

In order for PQ to take that next step his coverage skills must improve

    John Henry

    @king shark yea i hear u bro

    joe shipley

    Absolutely. His coverage skills are ZERO. and tbh his tackling isn’t that much better

    John Henry

    @joe shipley his tackling improved throughout the season he will get better bro hes still young #flockup

    joe shipley

    @John Henry did you even watch the last game of the season? He missed at least four tackles and that’s just what I remember seeing. He’s trash

    John Henry

    @joe shipley not trash just needs to improve

Baltimorez MVP

Josh Needs to be a player coach until he doesn’t want to play anymore…

Michael Hession

He certainly played well once he was in his new role. Pass coverage can be challenging but overall, good season.

    Dee Man

    He’s not good at all bad 1st rounder smh

    Trey Wilson

    @Dee Man yea man we basically had to cut his snaps and move him to a new spot because of he’s a liability

    Kamino Kush

    PQ wont be getting a 2nd contract can guarantee that

    Michael Hession

    @Kamino Kush Thats true.

    king shark

    @Kamino Kush …. true, cause we gone either keep scheming him as a bust , or they scheme him right and we end up unable to afford him.

    Its only going down those two ways.
    Unless he become avg guy, and take a pnut contract to stay. Lol.

James Meredith III

I Think It’s Time To Trade Patrick Queen For Some Draft Pick. Because In My Opinion. Patrick Queen Has Been HORRIBLE at Linebacker & He’s Been A SERIOUS Draft Bust. Let’s Move On.

    Dee Man

    Horrible pick. I completely agree

    king shark

    Nooooo , not yet, he’s just schemed wrong,… look at when they blitz him on run or pass he gets it done. It’s all that trying to be a traditional lb that’s making him look bad , plus they think he can actually blanket wrs.

    Daaang, this staff is messing over talent to the point the flock trashing them. Oooo we need a new staff 1st then we can mop the talent.


    You don’t know football or watch any film

    James Meredith III

    @Cran33 For Your INFORMATION. I Do Watch Football. I Might Watch Football More Than You. Ask Me This Question? If Patrick Queen Is This GREAT Linebacker That You Make Him Out To Be. Why Did The RAVENS Last Year Sit Patrick Queen On Some Games. And This Year He Didn’t Even Start Have Of The Season. The RAVENS Had Patrick Queen Coming Of The Sideline. Like I Said. Patrick Queen Is A SERIOUS Draft Bust.

king shark

PQ is a liability in the run game and passing game, linemen gobble him up, and he’s a step behind wrs they keep thinking he can cover.

The kid is athletic but dang, yall putting him in the wrong spots. Stop crash dummying db blitzes that dont work. Use queen as the qb spy, and any gap blitz specialist.

That way, you keep linemen off him, and he can get the jump on them, and you got a great qb spy for dual threats and you can use him to stop rbs in the flat.

But o well, you A gap blitz him once and it works, and we never see that proper use of talent happen again.

Make it make sense. …


    Bro what game are u watching? He’s flying around making plays, O-linemen target him in their blocking schemes because he’s literally our biggest run stopping threat after all the injuries

    king shark

    @Yessirski … ok wink. 🤐

    Trey Wilson

    @Yessirski lol ok bro

    king shark

    @3D Winters … running queen all over the place did what, … got him trucked, he was making tackles alright, 6 to 8 yards downfield in a scrum pile.

    Long story short, queen has been schemed 85% wrong in this defense. To the point people calling him a bust.

    We saw one great play vs the Steelers, and what happened, got his chest blown out messing around with wink scheme.

    Let me ask,…. if you got a talent in queen, how would you scheme that athletic talent into a pro bowler and not a bust.

    king shark

    @3D Winters …. 😏


He is not elite, we need a real ILB

    king shark

    We do, and we got bynes, bring him back. But do look for a mike backer. If they find a pick that can bump bynes then we got something


How is them having him in a position and a role he’s not suited for translate into him maturing…………

    king shark

    👏👏👏👏👏 , man I’m glad they cant dupp all the fans. Thank u

Bb Bb

I predict the Ravens will draft another linebacker but also need bring back Josh back at least for one more year

    king shark

    Yeah bynes is a good value for us.


If the linebacker from Bama falls to the 2nd Baltimore should aim for him dude is a beast my opinion he’s a true thumper at inside linebacker

    David Perez

    christian Harris?


    @David Perez yes

    David Perez

    @Twan52 yeah I also really want him in the second

nobleswift 420

Miss too many tackles very instinctive tho

    Mustafa Ball


Lance S

He doesn’t fit the Baltimore Ravens linebacker criteria. EDC wants to build a bully, but drafts him, should’ve extended Mosley, he’s capable of tackling, and racks them up too.

    king shark

    Cant agree with that, …. why?
    Do tell me you saw that beautiful A gap play he made vs the Steelers.

    You saw that right? Of course you did.

    Now, why didn’t we see anymore of that kind of high IQ playing, is that the player or the coach.

    Cause the player proved he can make that play, but when the coach never go back to that, …… well yah see. We got play like a raven players, just not play callers.


I watched every single game. And purposely watched Queen”s play. He missed tackles on a regular basis. Even with Josh next to him, he looked lost! Bench /Trade/Cut Queen. Get him off the field, better yet off the team, and draft or trade for a replacement.

    king shark

    Noooooooo, … I know what you saw, and wont even debate it. Buuuuuuut, come on and tell me you saw this as well.

    When we used him to blitz, spy and rb flat cover he looked good. Its covering wrs and letting linemen get the jump on him he looks bad.

    The kid is a talent, just used the wrong way 85% of the time.

James Strom

That man plays with fire. He might have been going through learning and adjusting, but his spirit has never wavered. A real Raven.

Uncle Fido

WOW! JUMP ON IT ! If Tomlin said that he’s theirs for a first round pick! Beautiful!

    king shark

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 , and give us bush on top of that. 👏👏👏👏👏👏😎👍

    Brandon booth

    @king shark bush is 🚮🚮

11:11 ViDZ

besides calais i think he was the best player on D for us this year

    king shark

    Hey bowser might have something to say about that. Lol.

    11:11 ViDZ

    @king shark its close but i’d put him 3rd

Cad Chamberlain

This is such misinformation that he made a switch to weak side linebacker, he has played all spots and excelled at all of them later in the season

    joe shipley

    Excelled 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Tevin Ennels

I think he played better this year then his first can wait until next year he will get better

Daniel Waters

Queen is a bust, We greatly need a linebacker, I don’t know what the hell Mike Tomlin was talking bout, Maybe we can trade him to the Steelers 🤷🏽‍♂️

Jace Woods

With Dean from UGA and Josh Bynes and Leslie Frazier as DC the intimidating factor should return

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