Patrick Mahomes: “I’m going to keep shooting” | Week 14 Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Kyle Irby

Can’t be perfect all the time……. let’s go red kingdom!

    L N

    Well said

    Kenny Higgins

    @L N You 2 are right! But not perfect doesn’t mean choosing to be careless with the ball. After throwing an INT, I wish he would be more careful with targets, Not continue being SLOPPY!! Tighten it up #15!

William Brown

Notice how he is taking ownership of his mistakes and admitting that he needs to improve in some areas. This is what a leader should be.

    Cody Waterman

    I agree! Let’s all admit we are blessed to have a QB like this on our team! Throws three picks and we still get the Win!

    Cody Waterman

    Look at the positive rather than the negative we WON the game

    KSU 1989

    @Set Timing you guys need to look at career stats of Mahomes and even those in the NFL Hall of Fame. He doesn’t throw a lot of interceptions, overall in his career.


    Well said. Accountability is one of the traits of a good leader

    zeroone zero

    @KSU 1989o, I pulled up stats for mahomes and Brady. And hate to say it. Mahomes beats Brady in terms of stats. Mahomes TD/Int ratio is 4.18 TDs to 1 Int and Brady throws 3.07 TDs to 1 Int. Mahomes has 300.7 yards/game and Brady has 265 yards and declining. Brady himself threw 3 ints Sunday and lost terribly. There you go, you were wrong in just about every category.

B.B.I.C Big Girls Doing Big Things in Christ

Why can’t we just support him?! He’s our Quarterback we literally have the best in the league. Leave it to some fans to beat you when your down. Let’s go!!! Chiefs Kingdom baby!!’

    Robert Schwager

    I will be the first to admit that he is the best QB in the league, and I would never want anyone else as our QB, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be held accountable for mistakes. He holds himself accountable for sure, and we need to be able to recognize that he did not play his best today. We also don’t have a lockdown defense that can stop teams if you get them back on the field every 2 min with ints… if we had Denver’s.. or NYJ’s, or Buffalo’s defense, maybe.

    Betty Rahe

    He’s the best

Durk McGurkin

Denver fans must be dying inside right now. Patrick finally makes several mistakes in a game and the Chiefs still win. It’s going to be a looooooooooooong decade for the rest of the teams in the AFC West.


    Jokes on you, us Denver fans been dead inside for 7 years haha! All we have had is great defensive play since Manning. So nothing surprising there.

Michael Gooden

I never played that well with a newborn at home. Forever my QB.


This makes me scared we can’t do this in the playoffs


Let’s go Chiefs!


I think his focus is trying to have a big game for Kelce. Stats and records are being prioritized. When your up 27pts in the first quarter, why keep firing it to Kelce. Get the run game going to milk the clock for the half. Pacheco and McKinnon are averaging 5yds per carry.

Michael Moseley

You did fine Pat, yeah made some bad decisions, but you made some great ones too and that’s what matters. Learn and move on.

    L N

    @michaelmoseley2673 Yes. We are 10-3 and I looked record and some game were close in the past. I think some fans are used to see his Magic all the time and want to see it in all games. We shouldn’t take Mahomes greatness for granted!

Pants off and Jacket

You know I’ve become spoiled watching this man play. He’s become so godlike that games like this are a rarity. Before he became the chiefs starter, all I wanted was someone who can sling it all over, I’ll take an int or two a game with 3+ touchdowns. He’s surpassed my expectations and even his bad games humble me so much and grounds me as a a chiefs fan. He’s truly a great QB and I’m blessed to be a chiefs fan in witness.

Buddy Guy

Love you Pat and love you Chiefs ! Good breakdown.


It’s nice to win….but win or lose, in the end it’s just a game…. make it exciting to watch and that he does

Tye Fabe

I love my QB for life man. He is what you call a phenomenal Quarterback. He takes ownerships of the few mistakes that were made & always learn from them & improve. Forever proud of my Chiefs! Forever riding with y’all.❤💛❤💛

    AMG316 !!!

    Chiefs Kingdom Bro…. 💛❤👍😁

Celtic DW

I’m always happy to hear you take responsibility. Fix your errors; those 3 INT’s were UNACCEPTABLE but thankfully, we won 🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈

    J G

    2 were unacceptable, 1 was scooped off the floor which was just an excellent defensive play.

Fresh Focus

I love the armchair QB coaches on here. KC hasn’t gone undefeated in the last 5 years — they’re going to play bad sometimes, they’re going to lose games. Based on preseason expectations from around the country, they shouldn’t even be in this position right now. Yet, here they are, having rough games and winning on the road anyway.

Susan Arnold

love Mahomes and what he brings to the team. questions are barely audible

Erik The Bourbarian

This guy is so great. He always owns his mistakes and always shares his glory. He is incredibly humble.

Rodolfo Núñez García

Once he accept their mistakes all of them will be easier to found its own self as a mem great men ,great team,keep on praying Mr Andy ,and will be clue to the trophy,god bless the whole team in the field as always from Rudy Monterrey Mexico,,

Jutayia Jones

Still the best quarterback in the league 😤 Mahomes is MVP. Makes a few mistakes and still wins. Keeps playing hard all the way through! ❤💛

Nancy Ann

Patrick is an exceptional example of a level-headed, good-natured, honest, team-oriented quarterback. Admitting his mistakes, striving to improve. I hope young players follow his example. He is golden. ❤️

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