Packers Unscripted: Picking favorites – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Packers Unscripted: Picking favorites

Mike and Wes discuss the Broncos’ hire of Packers offensive coordinator Nathaniel Hackett as head coach (:57) before answering a series of “season in review” questions, selecting the biggest moment (5:46), favorite TD (9:46), surprise player (12:43), unsung hero (20:42) and craziest thing they saw (26:57). They conclude with a preview of the NFC and AFC title games (31:30).

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Indi Akers

Hey Mike n Wes!!!✋🏻

Indi Akers

I know you guys will be back to report on Aaron’s decision about career.

Indi Akers

I am so sad that you guys are not going to have shows for a while, I love listening to both of you. 💔

Jeferson Stevanelli

I am brasilian fan nfl and love Greenbay Packers 💛💚 Brasil Love Packers and are many fans. We will need a strong time in the next season, PLEASE!!!!!

    Andres Viaud


Jeferson Stevanelli

Pensem nos fans brasileiros e em toda América do Sul. Coloquem legendas em português e espanhol. Greenbay Packers é uma franquia mundial, tem fans espalhados pelo Mundo todo!

    Andres Viaud

    Ce tá certo! GO PACK Go em mundo todo!


I love the Green Bay packers they are my favorite team in NFL

Indi Akers

I will miss you guys!

Miguel Jimenez

great episode, hope y’all are doing well

cristian Souza

Brasil Green Baby PAC BRASIL

cristian Souza


Eicey Conditions

Unsung hero has to be yosh nijman
NOBODY expected him to do what he did this year

Caleb Hintz

Nice to recap the year.

My favorite moment was the SNF game week 17 vs the Vikings. I was fortunate enough to attend, my second Packer game ever. Trying to crowd towards the tunnel as Rodgers walked off. 🤟🤟

Favorite touchdown is Rodgers to Lazard to break the franchise record on Christmas. 12 has been so great for so long and it’s amazing that he’s now enshrined in Packer history in that way.

Surprise player has to be Devondre Campbell. He came out of nowhere, made the NFL equivalent of minimum wage and played outstanding for us all season.

Unsung hero is Adam Stenavich. Offensive line held up really well with a lot of injuries and tough matchups.

The craziest thing I saw was Aaron Rodgers flashing his foot during a zoom press conference.

andrew reinthaler


andrew reinthaler

Fav Tuttter—– The, “I OWN YOU” tutty. the One handed M. Lewis #89 almost tuter was a close 2nd.

Saul Orosco

Keep AROD Adams and Dillon and scrap everyone else to get an elite oline 👍then get the best defense you can get 💯


I was thinking the same thing as Mike. The Arizona game was the best. Packers showed such resiliency and broke the spirit of the Cardinals. Kyler Murray dejectedly limping off the field showed they were thoroughly beaten despite the close score, and it should have been more, because Aaron Jones had that TD taken away from him. Remember Randall Cobb’s two clutch touchdowns in that game, too. I really hope he’s back next year, because I still think Cobb is the most exciting player on the offense. I just wish he had gotten more targets this year and had not been injured.

Keith Jacobowitz

This years team couldn’t close out games and put them away all year. To me , that and special teams being bad were constant issues that also ruined the playoff game as well.

Paul Grimm

I was born in Green Bay. Raised in TEXAS. The Packers will be a different team next year.They have tough choices ahead! Keep Aaron and let the stars go or trade Rogers and build the team with draft choices . I hope Love is up to it! I’m glad they did hire Eric.


Hopefully next season they finally figure out a way or it’s rigged for us

Coby Cuzzocrea

****** Go PACK Go *******

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